Monday, October 17, 2005

16 pounds down and many more to go...

Well, the wedding is just 2 months away now. I’ve been dieting since July and slowly but surely the pounds have been melting little by little. I’m sure if I just starved myself, I could lose it faster. But for a lover of food, it’s pretty hard to put down some of my most loved edibles. (is that the right meaning of the word I just spelt?)

The following are much loved by me but given up either entirely or a fair amount to make a difference in my waist line…

  • Coke, pepsi, and whatever else dark caffeinated soda pop. (ENTIRELY)

  • Chocolate (FAIR AMOUNT)

  • Dessert type meals. (FAIR AMOUNT)


  • French Fries (FAIR AMOUNT)

  • Burgers (ALMOST ENTIRELY. Last time was my last day of being 29 if you recall that blog)

  • JACK ‘N BOX breakfast burrito. (ALMOST ENTIRELY)


Well I could go on and on, but you get the picture. Didn’t your tummies start gurgling for some of these mentioned above?

Love Love

A skinnier (but still fluffy) Rambler

1 ramblings of your own:

RT said...

No pooping of the pants Selena, please!!! =) I know, I havent been blogging. But I never have anything fun to blog about! And I need to download pics so I can attach them to the blog. One day, one day....