The last two weeks, I've been toying back and forth with
My answer to all of that is simple.
I love writing.
I love telling stories in my Rambler way.
And I miss it.
Sadly, sometimes we all don't have the time to pursue the things we love. To cultivate it and maintain it. We just put it in the back corner of our mind and retrieve it when we can reach our virtual hands back there.
I thought to myself, what should be a first post after months of nothing? I'm a funny gal, and you that have read me know I"m good for a laugh.
And then I thought, eh, I'll be a little patriotic and make this a "PROUD TO BE AMERICAN" post. And I will quickly share with you a moment I had at work.
I work a lot. Like a lot that my family or friends wonder if I moved out of the country. The restaurant I work for is one of the busiest on the island. So having said this, the people at my job have become my pseudo family.
Our BIG BOSS was in town to check on his Hawaiian location. He's been running restaurants in the US for about 15 years, while making visits back home to England to visit his mum (giggle, imagine Rambler with an English accent).
He finally took his US Citizenship test and became an official bonafide United States of America citizen. So to honor that we surprised him with a cake and about 25 employees on a back loading dock, we celebrated and impromptu-ly (is that even a word??) did the Pledge of Allegiance.
I hadn't done that since being a young kid in Elementary school.
I'm not gonna lie.
It was the coolest most American thing I'd done, with my staff of varying ages, that moment, reciting OUR Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all.
So with that Bloggy land....Happy Fourth of July.