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What would I do?
It would be like not having my cell phone all day. At first I freak out, then I psycho-lee think that everyone important is calling me. Minutes feel like days. I can't think about anything else and am completely unfocused and distracted....
And then....
A calm realization of I will survive moment washes over me.
It is kinda liberating, actually.
(Just for the day of course)
And I.AM.OK.
What would YOU do my blog savvy peeps?

35 ramblings of your own:
totally freak out.
{{{Cringing at the thought}}}
I'd adjust, I suppose. I'd be bored out of my mind for awhile, but I'd adjust.
I don't know....
Sometimes no internet is frustrating, but also a relief!
I think I would have to relearn how to live, the internet is such a part of my life. I would also have to learn to read a map.
I'm not gonna lie....I would freak.
I would be crazy bored, but also probably crazy productive.
drink bailey's all.day.long.
Cry. I would cry a lot. The internet is my therapy.
Seriously? Funny to imagine, in a not-so-funny, UNimaginable, bad dream kinda way.
I reckon I'd do laundry, vacuum, and dust, attend to children and maybe even pets. Clean bathrooms perhaps.
Of course, there's always court shows... (Would my cable be out with the internet? Have mercy!)
I'd probably get off my keister, get a ton of stuff done and lose five pounds in the process :)
Don't even joke about these things!!
You know something we don't?!?!?!?! ;-)
I would definitely, most assuredly, without a doubt feel like I've lost my right arm.
BUT, I would probably find something else to latch onto. And I would get on my knees and PRAY, PRAY, PRAYYYY that it comes back on within an hour or less.
I'd curl up into the fetal possiton... rock back and forth.. pulling at my hair.. chanting.. "it'll be back, be back soon, yeah that's the ticket..soon.. be back soon"
I must admit, I would have to do the freak out, too. I'm on the internet ALL THE TIME and absolutely love it. But, if it really did disappear, I guess I would just have to become a full-time baker, crafter, seamstress to overcome the depression that would have quickly begun to settle in my internet-less life.
At first I would be a little freaked out, but then relieved that I was "free" to do whatever for the day and not worry (too much) about getting behind on blogs, because it's not like i had any choice in it. I think a little break now and then if probably a good idea!
I guess I would have to actually do my work then huh? Bahahaha!! Who am I kidding. I could find something better to do.
I guess I would finally catch up on laundry, huh?
This might seem weird but I would actually be really happy.
oh goodness. I would be lost without the internet!! My husband would probably be happy since he calls the computer my boyfriend, lol!
I think I would be back to wild mood swings and oversharing to any adult I could corner.
My computer is one of the reason I really enjoy stay at home life. I NEED the interaction with people who speak complete sentences.
Psst, got something for you on my blog! :)
Psst, got something for you on my blog! :)
This happens to me and after my meltdown and I get outside and do something in the sunshine to Get over it!
I would probably survive, I would just be really bored all the time!
I would die.
I would undergo hypnotherapy to drag out repressed memories of what life was like before the internet.
i might actually clean the house....
....but then someone would ask me where taiwan was and I would say..."lets google that" then I would cry because I couldn't.
I would have to actually maybe go outside. Outdoors. Imagine! I would have to spend more time with my kids. And focus on my LIFE. Gosh! Imagine!
This happen to me - and like that sane woman that I am, I packed up the kiddos into the van, parked outside the library and pulled out the laptop.
Yeah, I got my internet fix...
thank goodness.
Hey Rambler. So sorry I haven't commented on your blog in a while. It's been a crazy time for me.
If I had no internet I guess I'd have to do research the old fashioned way. I'd have to call parents at school instead of emailing them, and I probably never would have met my boyfriend. So with that being said I guess I couldn't have lived without it.
Other than getting lost. And forgetting what I was supposed to do that day. I think I'd actually get caught up on my reading. And sleep. Hmmm... this has possibilities ;)
I would just pray that someone had saved everything for when it came back on.
Run naked through the streets.
Maybe start a cult. grown my own corn.
Sounds like it would be a good time to pour a HUGE glass of wine and do nothing!
I just realized you live in Hawaii! I can't wait to be there!!
I have to say...I'd probably do the same thing...it takes you a minute...then you remember all the cool stuff non gadget related....
Get the shakes and grab a drink.
Winks & Smiles,
Just what you said...gasp at first and then realize....I actually like being outdoors, scrapbooking, watching some tv...
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