Places my personal space have been invaded.
Work: As I greet you, the guest, coming toward my doors to dine (and in this economy THANK YOU for choosing my place) and you feel the need to be so close I can smell the boogers that will form up your nostrils after your meal....
Grocery Store: When I am paying for my groceries and you feel the need to breathe on my neck waiting your turn as I wait for my card to be approved....
Starbucks: While we wait for our beverages in the "WAIT FOR YOUR BEVERAGE HERE" area and you feel the need to stand with your shoulders touching mine even though there is more then enough room 1 foot away from me in any direction....
Waiting for the public restroom: When a line is formed waiting for the stalls and we are standing in it and your purse keeps whacking my back (constantly)
Movie Theater: When you need to scooch past me while I'm sitting and your junk/who ha/private area/va-jay-jay is a little to close to my face.
ATM Machine: Seriously.
Geesh, someone pissed in Grumpy Ramblers cheerios this morning.
And if you don't read this guy Mo Mad Dog must. He's brilliantly funny. My favorite post this week. Go. Read now.
Have a great personal space invader free weekend!!
6 hours ago
37 ramblings of your own:
Ha ha - I definitely can relate to that at times too! Happy Friday!
My bubble is about 5 feet. I love this post.
I love this post too. I HATE feeling like someone is just up my butt when they could be standing 4 ft away.
Right on.
Sheesh (and ew.)
Another Spot On post.
We should take turns writing about stuff that peeves.
This particular rant is Item #271 on my list.
Thanks for helping out.
i love this! i hate when someone is really close to me especially from my behind...i usually do not suffer in silence
Oh I feel the exact same way. If I am anywhere and someone stands too close to me, I turn around and glare at them until they back up. That's just how I roll. :)
I love this post, I think I will print it off and pass it out to folks in passing!
**stands nose-to-nose with The Rambler**
Is this too close??
LOL, back the eff up people!!! Especially in the movie theaters, sheesh. Learn the word RESPECT. It is critical, critical critical. You may be sporting a smart bruise on your hoohoos or wiggly worms if you dare get too close to my face. I mean, seriously!!!
Excellent post, Rambler! :)
yeah. i hear ya. some people don't know the meaning of personal space and it's just a little bit slightly awkward.
I have a huge need for personal space around me and can't stand the touch of strangers. My addition to your list would be getting a prescription at the pharmacy -- back the eff up b/c it's none of your business what I get scripts for.
Hate when strangers get close!
After living in Japan and then France where there is no such thing as personal space, I was so happy to be returning to the Big ole US of A, the land of lots of room. But to my astonishment, I often feel like I am back in those foreign countries. Please, everyone, give us some room - there's plenty of it here!
I am so with you on this, I've been know to use hand signals to get people to Effing Back Up!!
Love this post, as usual!!
Hahaha, so funny and so true. I have a neighbor who is a "close talker". She chased me all around the back yard one day. How do you tell a nice person to back the eff up?
You and I are very similar. I get all of that, especially the ATM.
My real hates are people that ignore completely free seats on buses or trains and plonk themselves right in front or next to you completely needlessly.
Or if you're walking along with friend or spouse having an intimate conversation and some twit walks at exactly the same pace right behind you. I either slow so they have to pass or swing round and glare.
And why isn't 'twit' in the spell-checker?!
Truly a Nugget worthy fit oh grasshopper, your training is nearing completion. Four gold stars for this one.
I like my personal space too. What is with people?
FYI - I let you a little award love on my blog.
I absolutely hate people in my personal space... or anywhere near it! I totally relate!
Friggin' A, I totally agree with all of these places!! In the line at the bank seems to be the worst for me though. It's like people feel like the bunch to the front they'll get attended to faster. Sorry, Texas, it doesn't work that way!! STEP OFF!
I couldn't agree more!!!!!!
So...umm.yea, I am so not quiet when people invade my space especially when I'm in line at the grocery store and they decide to a) bump me with t heir cart b)let their kids bump me with their cart, elbows, feet, drool...and c)when they decide to breathe on me and they just ate something really bad or didn't brush their teeth! You can bet you'll be hearing me say BACK THE EFFFFFFFFFF OFF...hehehe...
Oh and I have missed you too..bunches and bunches!
I am totally feeling this! I hate when people get up my butt!
Question For The Rambler: I made a signature to go at the end of my posts. I even know where to put it to get it work. However, I do not know how to make it not have a stupid black border/box around it. How did you get yours to work and not do that? The background is transparent so it's not that.
If you can't help me with this question, ignore me.
So are you saying that I CAN'T wear your skin? Like you don't really want to be that close to each other?
Maybe it's a secret societal experment to see what you boundry breaking point is!
Ah ha! The silver lining to the swine flu - give them a good cough. That should do the trick.
Mad dog is great, agreed. I also agree with the purse-whacking and the grocery line...UGH. I give dart-death looks.
If someone gets too close to me while I'm withdrawing money from the ATM, I'd tell him "Would you also like to know my PIN?"
I couldn't agree more!
amen! i sometimes put my arms straight out and twirl while i say 'personal space - stay out of it'. this gets the point across and people think i'm crazy so they usually leave me PLENTY of space!
That about sums it up. I tried to think of more, but couldn't. Hi from the SITstahood.
Exactly. Totally. Completely. Right.
Back the Eff Up!
Yeah, you totally inspired my blog post for today.
I so have issues with this!!! I cannot stand people all up in my "bidness". hate it!!!!
I hate feeling crowded in own personal space!
Loved the post!
Love it! Yeah and I think that was me at the movies. Sorry.
Great blog! And you are so right're in my personal space. Hate the close talker, too!
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