Most of you that have been reading me for a bit know that I manage a restaurant in Waikiki. If not, manage a restaurant in Waikiki. (smart's what your thinking?)
And the past month or so I find myself shaking my head at the lack of common sense that people have when they visit the latrine/the loo/the john/the powder room/the little ladies room...
Why do people NOT flush the toilet at my restaurant.
1. They do work. (Because when I adorn the gas mask and kick the lever to flush, IT WORKS!)
2. They are NOT automatic flushers. (And if they were, wouldn't you realize after pulling up the panties that it didn't flush. Don't people WAIT for their toxic wastes to disappear in sewer land?)
Okay and one more thing on this one...the days where I open a door to make sure it looks clean and doesn't need a refill on toilet paper and am surprised with poop on the walls and the door...I'm confused.
I didn't notice anyone walk out of the stall with fecal matter all over their clothes? Because toilets are in good working condition. So what happened that my bathroom got 'blessed' with your crap and YOU didn't? The kind that makes me rethink allowing drunk people in the bathrooms? it that all those people are drunk? Nah...too easy.
I'm not asking for much people. I do work hard. I know it's part of my job. BUT come ON. I would like to keep the gas mask to just my home for use by my husband or myself. (he says I'm stinky...but I'm sure it smells like roses. **snicker, snicker**)
Think about me next time you visit your favorite restaurant and go potty.
Pull the panties up. Turn around. Kick the lever with your foot (cause that's what I was told), Watch it flush. Exit the bathroom stall. Wash your hands. Viola. Easy peasy.
Be kind.
And flush.
Or I'll do it and leave you with NO toilet paper. And you won't know until AFTER....buwahahahahaha.
I kid.
8 hours ago
38 ramblings of your own:
that annoys me here at my office as well.
I'm disturbed. The not flushing is disgusting to begin with. But poop on the walls???
I don't get that either! And it's not just at restaurants...if that makes you feel better. I work in an office building and it happens ALL the time. Well, not the poop smears, but the non-flushing. Weird. And then there are some who clean up the counters after every if they're at home or something. Strange people we have to share space with.
Stopped by from SITS. I recently did a post on what my kids have learned working in a restaurant this summer. And yes, bad toilet hygiene ranks up there.
Gross!!! And you have to clean all that up?!
EWW! Some people are just pigs!! I am so sorry that you have to deal with that. No one should have to clean poop off of the walls...
YUCK. Seemingly normal people can be so digusting!!! Poor you having to clean that all up.
Saskia x
There seems to be something about public toilets that brings out the worst in people. Is that sentence one that could be taken completely out of context? I think so!
Tania (via SITS)
How rude!
Stopping by from SITS.
EW! and ladies . . . properly dispose. 'nuf said.
I know, what gives??? I often walk into a stall that has an unflushed toilet, but it is working perfectly fine! Jeesh.....
I've been working in restaurants for years and this always boggles my freaking mind. I mean, WTMF?! People are outgrageous. Outgrageous!
That is totally gross. I can't imagine why someone would smear their poop on walls. Ewww!
People are just plain disgusting. 'Nuff said.
I don't get it either...
Except when I was little I once flushed a toilet and it overflowed. The next couple times I was too afraid to flush.
Poo on the walls?
I didn't even know that was an option.
You and my husband should talk. I'll bet you share a lot of the same experiences!
That's gotta be annoying as hell! When I worked for a pizza place as a teenager I dreaded bathroom duty. Who didn't teach these people bathroom edicts?
the women that use the bathroom here at work are the same way. they never flush and it's so gross. Whats wrong with these people.
Well, DARN!
I wish I had known you manage a restaurant in Wakiki and I would have come to visit when we were there 2 weeks ago. . .AND I PROMISE I would have flushed the toilet. FOR. SURE.
EW! I don't envy you at all. That's truly a shit job!
I have noticed an uptick in bad potty manners lately as well.
I think poeple have been spoiled by too much automation in the loo..
I myself have to take a second to assess if I should wave at the sink faucet or turn the handle.
Peace - Rene
That is why I avoid public restrooms at all costs... only will I use them in extreme GOTTA GO RIGHT NOW moments...
I dont get it either, surely these people don't keep their own bathrooms like this at home...or maybe they do?! Shameful...
Oh, and I absolutely go bonkers when the toilet seat is covered in pee---WHA? Are they standing when they pee---gag! I always wipe the toilet just in case...
And why must people pee on the seat and wipe what looks like boogers on the wall........
YOu could totally come manage my school. Our little kids do the same thing. Except they are kids, so it is a BIT more excusable! Now, our remedy? THey have to bring a partner into the bathroom- one we teachers choose.
Put a sign up. Soemthing that truly insults intelligence. :)
"Please flush the toilet when you are done."
Poo on the walls?! WTF?! I am a hyper-germaphobic when it comes to toilet stuff. I think there should be an alarm that goes off when someone doesn't flush and there should be a shock administered to their hands if they try to leave the bathroom without washing their hands.
I use my foot too whenever possible but I also wait around to make sure my "deposit" has been disposed of before I leave.
(Sometimes the toilet doesn't work right and you need that second flush ya' know.)
And for anyone that purposely puts poop anywhere other than in the toilet (and they are over the age of 2) then that's just SICK. They deserve far worse than to be left without TP. I'm thinking hot sticks to the right eye is appropriate.
Hey...that leaves them with the left one to see the handle next time right?!
Just the thought of all that is exactly why I ony use the bathroom in my house....
I wish you would have linked that one up over at my place!
Consider yourself lucky. My friend's foster child (5th grader) pooped in his bedroom the other day. When told that he needed to clean it up, he walked over and picked it up IN HIS BARE HANDS and walked to the bathroom with it. Now THAT's scary! Say a prayer for that kid tonight, will you?
Thanks for visiting from sits! I also wonder that, especially at movie theaters. Usually I'm in a rush so I don't miss something, but I have to try 5 toilets before I can relieve myself quickly. annoying.
And that my dear, is why I NEVER use public restrooms! Yuck!
I can't believe the crap you have to go through ;)
Ugh!! Between my experience at the car dealership last weekend and this (oh yeah... I flushed... twice!!) and this, I'm wondering if I have bad bathroom karma or something. Because now the flashbacks are coming at me strong: When, after waiting in a long line to finally use a toilet, I got the one that had just been used by a beautiful, young, oddly guilty looking woman. Well, her guilty expression was only odd until I realized she'd PEED ALL OVER the toilet. If I'd been in my right mind I would have called her out, but I had to GO! Yeah, I did the hovercraft maneuver like nobody's business. There are more, but it occurs to me you've seen it all before anyway. Guh!!!
That drives me crazy and not only that but it's gross! They wouldn't do that at their own home would they? Secondly what is so hard at stopping by someone who works there and say, "hey, I just wanted to let ya know there isn't any t.p. in the ladies room"??
I think I just put someone else's blog comment here, woops! Too many windows open lol.
Anyhow that is totally nasty. I think people that play in their poop definitly have something wrong in the head.
OMG, that's so gross! It's not like your restaurant is a bar/party place with tanked people coming in all the time. I don't even know how one can do that and keep it off their clothes/body.
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