First and foremost, thank you ALL for your very supportive and kind comments in regards to my last post.
I can't explain in enough words of this new place I've allowed myself to be at. I'm not skydiving out of a plane, but for the first time thinking of it. (who am I kidding, I'll just ride the plane and watch the crazy ones actually step out the door at x=(completely ridiculous)amount of feet in the air.
And deserve the best piece too!
So on to my regular meme post (which I haven't done in Foorrreeeeevvvveerrrr)

It's been a while since I participated in anything. And since I heart this lady right here I thought I would join in on her fun. She has the best celeb gossip around bloggytown. And I've been reading her a long time. AND she takes great pics....along with Mighty M. (They don't take photos together, just that I love Mighty M as well.)
I've been nostalgic recently. Like the 1986 kind. And the song that makes me go back the most is this one....
Does ANYONE remember this band? Anyone?
The Jets. (God I loved them.)
This puts me back to 6,7, 8th grade living on the Big Island.
Me and the friends dancing like we were popstars (you know, Tiffany and Debbie Gibson...who now goes by Deborah?) in our cafeteria turned dance arena.
One photo even made it into my 8th grade yearbook of said popstar dancing.
And absolutely NO. To showing you! That book is hiding somewhere.
For now.
This song even inspired me to 'stalk/peer' through some old old friends through my facebook account and found a really close friend who I hadn't heard from in over 18 years.
And reconnected by clicking Add Friend. (ahhh, the joys' of social media)
(Psstt, the old me never 'friended' anyone on facebook for absolute fear of being rejected...wait, but that can't just be the old me, right? That crap reminds me of making friends in school, will she or will she not let me eat lunch with her?)

18 ramblings of your own:
I have to admit it, I never danced like a wild child to The Jets but...if you like, you could post a video of you dancing like a pop star...?
I so remember that song!!!
And I'll be happy to go along with you on your skydiving trip...
But I'll just stay on the ground and watch. :)
The Jets!!! Love it!!!
Thanks for participating. I'm about to post mine so you'll have to come by and link up.
Don't tell me there are people on this planet that don't know The Jets?! I love it!
Ahahahaha...Debbie Gibson. Errr, excuse me, Deborah. Electric Youth, baby. Yup, I totally used to steal sprays of "Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth" perfume from my sister. I'd strap my tape player to the old banana seat, hot pink bike and rock out. Good times, good times.
I always loved The Jets!
And Debbie Gibson! And Tiffany! This brought back some memories...I think I'm going to be spending the rest of the day on iTunes...
I loved the Jets too!! They were awesome!
I am so telling on you sis:
#1. Rambler had the "Jets" hairstyle for all of upper education....6th grade on! Yup! and by Jets, I mean all of them....the one wet curly fro type hair that takes a can of hairspray to duplicate....
#2. Rambler also had the Jets style in this I mean, take a tank top cut one of its sleeves. Slide it down to the waste and wear as a skirt.
Buah Ha Ha HA! (evil sinister laughter)
Love you sis!
By the way, if any of you ask me on my blog for the pics, I will totally post a good one of rambler from the day......unless she pays me off! =)
This song was popular when I was cocktailing at Bobby McGee's, hubs was waiting tables in the dining room there, and he used to lip sing it to me when he went by. I guess it worked, I married him.
Haha your sister's comment made me laugh!!
Loving the 80s-ness of the clip... I was too young to appreciate the song when it was released but I probably did some mad dancing to it of my very own!!
Facebook is something I'm VERY pleased didn't exist when Mr B and I started dating... it would have put far too much paranoia into our relationship... is that Sarah girl he's friends with his ex Sarah? Do I change my relationship status to 'in a relationship' etc. etc !!
Saskia xx
I love The Jets! I think I need to listen to them now... :)
I do remember the Jets, but I was too old to appreciate them. I was Ms Alternative in 1987, so even if I liked a Jets song, I could NEVER admit it.
*LOVE* The Jets! My big brother bought the cassette for me for Christmas when I was in 8th or 9th grade. That was how I knew he really loved me, lol.
Oh, and popstar dancing? Yeah, baby! Only we did most of ours at Roller City. Mm-hmm, that's right. Ladies choice anyone?
Debbie Gibson? I liked her alright, but a few years later I found Mojo Nixon. His song, "Debbie Gibson is Pregnant with My Two-Headed Love Child" rocked my world.
As for friending old pals from school. I don't talk to most of 'em, and I'm kind of okay with it.
Oh yeah, I remember it. I always worry that people won't want to be my friend on FB, but I still ask!
Haha, I still haven't had the guts to look any long losts up on facebook!
I mean all of them....the one wet curly fro type hair that takes a can of hairspray to duplicate....
Work from home India
Umm, I heart you.
I am the QUEEN of nostalgia, and am very aware of that band.
Debbie Gibson is pop cheese fabulousness. Deborah Gibson is bull shit ( that is so a t-shirt).
Music is a time machine, baby.
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