So, since I announced my wedding in December, I took drastic measures and had a big talk with myself. Time to put the crap stuff down and start eating healthy stuff. I can't tell you how many times I have started, stopped, restarted, restopped. But for some reason my wedding has become a huge motivation to lose these totally unwanted pounds and get back to some normalcy for my body. (it's been a couple of years but I can do it)
Anyway, the good news is that it's been 2 1/2 weeks and I have lost 10 pounds (give or take a few) and I'm not letting up yet. I have actually reintroduced my body to vegetables/fruits and water on a daily basis rather than a monthly thing. I haven't started exercising yet, but that's coming in
September when work slows down. (cause that's enough exercise in itself).
My only indulgence is on Starbucks Mocha Frappacino and Maple Oat Nut Scone (or Blueberry) every day. I have "replaced" it as one of my meals. And it keeps me from bingeing on chocolate which has been a favorite eating bad daily habit of mine. I know if I knocked it off I could help myself better but I figured it's what keeps me from going over the edge.
Well, here's to a skinnier Rambler for her wedding. Man it would be nice to not be called "fluffy" (as my best friend says to say instead of fat).
love love y'all!
23 hours ago
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