Thursday, September 25, 2008

not so lonely after all!!

Awe, you guys!

So, yesterday I had a mini alm
ost lame-o meltdown. For some reason I was in complete denial that my un-birthday was to take place today or yesterday if you actually your needing me to be technical. My photo was the face next to the definition of master Grouch Monster. I sucked on coffee and had some chocolate and still felt BAH HUMBIRTHDAY... Don't want, need it, just go visit someone else!

Today, I woke up and I had 2 text's on my phone. One of course being my mother. (I'd
feel hurt had it not been her), and the other from my BFF wishing me a Happy unbirthday day and hoping I felt better. I snicker to myself that'd be a big fat NO. I was insistent that I remain grumpy and be of the non sociable type.

The calls kept coming, and the emails a flowing. The happy bug was busy buzzing around my ears saying
you will not kill me today Mrs. Birthday girl!

My sister came into the bedroom and handed me a really funny card (tear, she's leaving in a couple of days and I'm not ready emotionally). We laughed and went to breakfast with my daughter who is still to oblivious to realize what day it was (good, should have been that way, but NOOOOO, you all shoved it down my throat!)

More calls, and funny text messages....

My husband came home from work with some flowers and a card signed by him AND our daughter. First time he's done signing of our daughter and it brought the tear to the eye. (No, no it will not work)

My father in law sent a card with some very touching words and I couldn't finish reading it because I didn't want to bawl before I left for work.

I check my phone as I'm walking
to my car and my super big boss from my corp. office sent me a birthday text...(wow, I rate? Sweet!)

okay, okay, so the grumpy pill is kinda wearing off, and I'm almost okay to walk into work.

I get there, my door's are closed and and open it to balloons with funny messages written on there AND a gift from my co-managers and my fav Starbucks ice tea!

My staff sang "that" song in our pre-shift meeting...All fricking right! I'm older, I get it!

Okay, all joking aside! It was extremely hard to not feel special and loved today! And for that I with my whole heart thank everyone for thinking of ME. It's more than you guys will know. ((Tear))

~A very teary eyed humble older Rambler

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