It started off real junkie....
I woke up at 5:30...(Junkie #1)
It was pouring rain...(Junkie #2, if you have to go to work)
Bad accident within 5 minutes of driving (Junkie #3, but not involving me)
Did I mention I had to work? (Last junkie of my day, #4)
But a couple things happened to completely turn this around. :)

Did you read my post yesterday??? Yes, I'm still in boyfriend (er, IPHONE) heaven.
Right now, I just learned to use Itunes. Yeah, I'm lame. I have a laptop, cell, a DVR, and I don't own a music enhanced piece of mp2, 3, what? The last thing gracing these ears was attached to a CDwalkman. Apparently those aren't in anymore, a little too big to use at the gym...(I got some looks of pity when I had mine). Sometimes it takes me awhile. Boyphone, I LOOOVEEE you! Yes, that will be his name. :)

and I'm gonna have to keep you in suspense because it's not ready for posting....BUT, I have to tell you, if all the others didn't happen today, it wouldn't have mattered. This was the cake and the frosting for me. THIS one brought tears to my eyes, a quivering lip smile (at work, trying to contain myself, you know how that goes?), and a very relieved and grateful sigh. This will be all I say....(sorry, I did tell you that not only am I SAUCY, I'm a little dramatic!)
Until tomorrow gang. I promise!
32 ramblings of your own:
its iphone or nothing haha :o)
Congrats on being part of the saucy SITStahood!! Your blog is great!!
~Jill :)
SaUcY SaUcY SaUcY!!!!
congrats on being saucy.
go saucy girl, with your saucy new iphone!
enjoy your saucy-self!
Came from SITS to congrat you on being a saucy blog. And to say hi as you are teh first fellow Oahu resident I have come across in blog land.
Congrats on being one of the Saucy blogs for the week, yeaaaa for you!
Hope you have a great Sunday ....
Congratulations on your sauciness!!!! And I hope you day improves too!
I put a link to your page regarding "the announcement" I didn't say anything. I will let you say it.
Congrats on being Saucy!! Enjoy your new!
Congrats on being a Saucy Blog!! I soooo want your boyfriend...I mean phone.. Totally jealous, lol
Congrats on your sauciness!! :)
My husbands iPhone is adored by our entire family. My four year old loves bowling and the Koi Pond apps.
Good Morning! Congrats on being Saucy! =)
Congrats on your saucy blog! And thank you for stopping by and saying hello on my SITS day. Your iphone sounds like an awesome boyfriend too:)
Super sauciness and an iPhone can make ANYONE happy!!! I am verrrry jealous of the phone ;)
Congrats on the phone and the saucyness.
Awww you did it!!!
Congrats my girlfriend!!!
Congrats on being SAUCY!! :)
Congrats on having a such a great blog! Can't wait to hear the announcement!
Here from SITS, Congrats on your Saucy Self.
Congrats on your Sauciness! Enjoy your week!
Found you through SITs! Super cute blog. :)
Congrats on begin Saucy and on the iphone you lucky girl.
Congrats on your Saucy blog :)!
Congrats to your sauciness!!
Congratulations on being Saucy. :)
Congrats on being Saucy, wooo hooo for you!! :-)
Congrats on the Saucy! And your sweet post about your exciting and sweet of you. Did I mention I think you are sweet? Well I do.
Saucilicious. Sounds WAY better than Fergilcious. Yay! Congrats.
Terencesambowrites~ that's what I said. Thank God the husband agreed :)
Yaya, One Wired Woman~ Thanks
Hula~ I know, I can't say that Saucy word enough either :)
Momma~Thank you for calling me saucy, saucy girl and my boyphone saucy! I am saucy :) (wink)
PHST~ Girl...808...represent...lame I know, but I promise I'm in my 30's. It just felt good to be the age of one of your students. :)
Tracy~ I DID have a great Sunday. Thanks.
Queenie~ I'm loving your name!
Kalei~Sis! Who loves ya? Me>>>lil Rambler>>
Jennifer~ thanks and I am totally enjoying the new phone!
I live...therefore I consume~My lovah...I mean Boyphone is free Monday mornings. That is the only time I can't take him with me. BUT he HAS to be home by 4pm...
Mandy~ Arghh, I stayed up so late the first night engrossed in all the apps. What to chose?
Megan~Thanks girl!
Casey's trio~Your girls are sooooo cute and three of them. I stand and applaud you! Serious!
Amber P~I know, my last week self is sooo super jealous of my this week self....The boyphone does that too you :)
Maki~I heart you...cause you are always here :)))
Knit Purl Gurl~ Thanks.
Dorky's Ramos~Hope you weren't disappointed.
Martha, Sandy, The Mommy, heathersister, April, Blue Castle, Toots~ Thanks times 7...hey that's my start of my monday post...
April kennedy~Sweet? Me? Awww, thanks!
MammaDucky~ I'm digging that Saucilicisous...
Everyone, thanks for making a Saucy girl feel good!!!!
Found you through SITs. Congrats on your extreme saucyness!
Congrats on being saucy, my SITSta!!! We took the journey together--I'm from MyBrownBaby, featured alongside your fabulously saucy blog. I hope you enjoyed your saucy week!!!
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