So my sister over at Bloggedy Blog Blog tagged me the other day to list 7 weird things about myself...
I joked that I think I could be considered normal.
FLS snorted and said whatever.
I responded with...Yah, well you put a photo up of your bum, butt, cheeks with a crack in the middle..whateva you want to call it. Weirdo :)
Sister love.
It's what it's all about!
Here we a backwards transition.
7. When I was pregnant, the only thing that I could put down during that morning sickness period was.......lemons, soaking in soy sauce, pepper and vinegar.....I sense some of you may have puckered. Sorry. :)
6. Ever since I heard that nursery school rhyme... step on a crack, break your mothers back.....yup, you guessed it. I subconsciously find myself avoiding cracks....It's like a have a little miniature mother sitting on a rocking chair in the back of my head knitting and every time I step on a crack, she screams "Oui-vey, for the love! The crack..."
5. I gag real easy. I could give random examples here...(gag) but I'm a little worried that (gag), alright theirs a movie scene in Big Daddy where Adam Sandler teaches the kid to spit (gag, gag) and bring it back up...(massive dry heaving now). Please. (gag) Make (gag). It (gag). Stop (heavy breathing...nope GAG).
4. I need to fall asleep with the TV on. This drives my husband nuts. Like bonkers. Either the TV is off and he sleeps the instant his head hits the pillow and Rambler is left there staring into space, trying tirelessly to count sheep that turn into chocolate bars, that turn into Pepsi cans, that turn into Jim from the Office....:)Or the TV is on, and drool leaves my mouth (gag) within 5 minutes and angry husband searches for remote to turn off TV leaving him UP until his over tired brain calms down enough for him to join me in slumberland. Watch out for Jim though Honey. :)
3. When driving, my brain totally plans the cutoff route and I get in the lane needed like a trillion miles back. No zipping and cutting in at the last minute for this girl. I can't do it. I have anxiety issues in my head. Again, I drive my husband and my little sister kooky when I am their passenger. In fact, it's better for all if I just close my eyes until we get there.
2. I cannot use a eating utensil or straw if someone takes a saliva swipe at it. (GAGGGGY GAG)The only one I've been able to do this with is my daughter. I think my brain rationalized she's half me, so it's ok. I'll share with you but bring your own fork and sippy straw and my gag reflex won't show up for the party.
1. I have a ridonkulous fear of birds. No matter how small. I am terrified. Case in point. I mentioned I worked in a 2 story restaurant. We have an outside cafe. Birds have been known to walk/creep/fly (shuddering at the thought) inside. My staff knows how I am and one of them tried real nicely to help get one out.
Begin scene.
Her, inside with bird by full floor to ceiling window near open door. Me, outside said window, watching while clutching to the cocktail tray I'm holding. My guests wonder why I am parked outside staring at the window. She jumps to "startle" it toward the open door. But it freaked out and flew INTO the window, not OUT, which freaked her out, which freaked me out. A stifled "I'm gonna die" left my mouth and my lame butt ran around my building.
End Scene.
....Would you like an umbrella in your drink sir?
So in the spirit of keeping the weirdness going around the bloggysphere, I hope ALL of you will play along. Again, please come back to let me know....I need the reassurance that I'm not the only weird one...along with FLS.
13 hours ago
115 ramblings of your own:
Hehe. I'm so with you on #3 -- I can't stand those that try to cut in at the last minute, as if they didn't know that they had to get over.
Yeah, I squirmed at your lemon concoction :)
So I gagged and laughed cause I have alot of the same weirdness that you do...especially the tv thing...hehehe...and yes I will be posting 7 weird things about myself now :)
omg....that is right on about the you think it started after the incident at the zoo when you were trying to feed them and there were like a million of them surrounding you?!
my verification word for this comment: denever
Hey, there are ton of birds in Hawaii - that's not good for you..
Oh btw, my sis in Hawaii called me today that you guys got poured today. You guys okay? She told me North Shore where I lived was flooded:(
ps. I just tagged you. Play along when you have time & interested! xoxo
Heh! I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't stand to step on cracks. I feel so much more normal now. :)
Happy Saturday; just stopping by from SITS with some comment love!
So you're the one I'm laughing at on the road! LOL Don't get me wrong, I don't like to cut in at the very last minute when it's very clear the non-moving line is for one specific purpose (big event line). I won't jump around for THAT. But there are people who won't zig zag on the way to WORK...staying in the lane they'll have to exit with from FIVE MILES BACK. Sheesh! Ornithophobia. "Fear of Birds".
LOL, those are good ones.I totally avoid the cracks too. I will be doing this on Monday!
eurgh! Spitty boy stuff. I feel slightly sick just thinking about it.
Great list and I'm with your husband about the TV. So funny, Mahalo for playing along.
I am a gagger too!
I was sickly when I was pregnant too and the only thing I stays down are french fries and pepperoncinis!
I used to avoid stepping on cracks, but it doesn't bother me now. Wonder what this says abou me?
LOL.....boy you came out of the gate strong with that lemon thing....
Dude, I've been living in OCD shame for all these .years about the cracks! So glad I'm not alone. Seriously, it's obsessive. Not only can I not step on cracks, I have to alternate which foot goes OVER the crack. Yeah, weirdo alert.
hey, I have an award for you and your creativity in writing. Drop by my blog and feel free to grab it anytime! :)
Girl, DO NOT FEEL WEIRD...if you wanna see weird go to my blog and check out the 2nd to the last post. Seriously AWKWARD....
on the other hand, we're having fun!!! I'm all about WEIRD time fun.
I just came across your blog from SITS.
Glad I came on over for sure.
About your post and the weirdness.
Your lemon concoction: Totally doesn't bother me. I like odd food combo's. I actually wrote a post about that.
T.V. and bed: I must have a dark room and NO t.v., but my husband needs t.v.
Birds: CANNOT stand them, but I became tolerant with them when some sweet ones made a nest and had two sets of babes under the roof of our front porch. I cannot stand hundreds of billions zillons of them hovering in the sky. CREEPY!!
gag reflex: I've got that going on strong, my mom has it to the extreme...probably like you.
That's all I can think about for now. Have a great Sunday and come visit sometime.
#5 became a problem for me when I was pregnant with my son. I wish you hadn't even brought up that movie seen!
I do #3 all of the time! And my husband doesn't and I get so stressed out about it!
#2 I'm the same way. Only it also extends to my son. And I feel bad, but spit period, unless it's mine is gross.
Funny post!
Your list = too freakin funny! I am with you on a few though. Like #1,3 and 6.
The other day I had tons and tons {really tons} of birds fly into my tiny back yard at once to eat the dog food out there. Needless to say, I ran to shut the door, scared they were gonna attack me. And I now keep the dog food in the house.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. And for your sweet comments about my cards in progress. I wish I had time to be hired! Soon, soon, that's my plan!!! :o)
Haha, you are hillarious with all your gagging ;-) Thanks for visiting my 'saucy' blog, hehe! Happy day to you :-)
Okay - your weirdness reminded me of something I forgot - my own fear of turtles. I'm afraid them - especially if they are in the water. I use to have dreams about them killing me while I was swimming in our pond. So - I totally "get" your bird fear.
VERY funny post!
Okay here is my short 7
1. I know it is probably my hair, but if I see any hair on the ground, anywhere...yuck!!! THat is why if my mom busts out her brush in my car, I tell her to put it away...YUCK!!
2. I go to sleep with the tv on too. It doesn't get turned off..just the volume turned all the way down.. picture still on..yeah didoboy just loves that.
3. BIg Daddy--yup gross even Just My Luck when the bubble gum she is scrapping off goes in her mouth,,,,yuckyuckyuck.
4. Pregnancy--yeah those are fun times, what nasty stuff can I share--we will stick with the food items--apparently from throwing up, I just keep eating stuff--continuously at a slow rate all day--like from sweetarts to apples soaked in lemon juice. Yeah, that is a real fun and disgusting time and about 20 minutes after that, I make a chocolate shake. I will be fat, I know. I can't care right now.
5. Weird thing--AC causes my asthma to act up BUT if I just leave the window open, I don't get enough air at night, so my solution is turn the AC on and instead of like closing up windows and stuff like normal people do to keep the AC air in, I open the windows all the way up, and it feels like it does the job I want it to. ...I know I'm weird but it works for me.
I got to think about #6 and 7 I will get back to you Nohea! Kids are crying. Love ya. Love the blog...gotta read Kalei's and Sammie's too. Miss you guys!!!
Had fun with Maddie, can't wait till this weekend!!!
Oh, yes I'll play! Love the idea!!!
I'm right there with you with the stepping on cracks. Even if I do decide to step right on one I feel a small bit of guilt since my mom has back problems.
You know if a bird poos on your head it's good luck, right???? Hee, heee...just had to throw that out there at ya!
haha LOVE this. I totally am terrified of birds too! Who knows why? Ohhh the unexplainable and unrational fears...
I'm like that too about the TV, it MUST be on or I will not sleep. It's weird and I know it makes others crazy.
OMG, I think that we are soul sisters. I ABSOLUTELY MUST go to sleep with the tv on, I cannot stand birds and I always avoid cracks. My husband thinks that I am soooo strange.
The Divine Miss Mommy
hey, stopping by from SITS.
i hear ya on the gag reflex. forreal. I can't even eat yogurt or anything slightly melty, or we have a serious problem
Stopping in from SITS! Hope your day is awesome! I hear you on the crack thing! Who started saying that anyway!!!!????
Have an AWESOME SITS day!
My husband doesn't mind my sleeping with the T.V. on. He only gets annoyed when my snores drown out the volume...
When I was pregnant, I could barely brush my teeth because my gag reflex kept kicking in. Needless to say, I chewed a lot of gum and mints during that time!
We share #'s 3,4 and 6
OMG it was so awesome to go back and read all of these. Because you know I've already read them. But it was cool to see my comment...which still hold true!
I heart you big time and I couldn't be happier that you are the Featured Blogger!
You go girl! It's all you and you deserve it!
Funny list!
I started thinking about what my weird list would look like and the first weird thing that popped into my mind was I talk to myself, out loud(My kids are always asking me who I'm talking to). I figured, I better stop there with the list, or they may want to lock me up!
Have a great SITS day!
Art Spectrum
I'm laughing at the one about saliva. I'm pretty okay with all my family being involved with my food, drink, etc. This evening, however, I gave my 15-month-old some slurps out of my cup and noticed it had some food floating near the bottom thereafter, courtesy of the gooberhead. This was one situation in which I have never cared to participate, but this evening, I looked in the cup, thought about the pain it would be to get fetch another cup from the kitchen, and thought, "What the heck." Slurp. Took five kids, but hey. It happened.
The way you portray your life situations is the best. Keeps the laughs coming, and there's nothing better then a good laugh at life!
I can realate to you on so many of these :)
Re-reading this post made me gag again!
Another fun post. I think you still OWE us one, however, because #3 is N-O-R-M-A-L. Call it Good Planning.
And fear of birds is healthy. Dang things're scary for sure.
Your SITSters are gonna love you!
Enjoy your day.
Ha! I so enjoy your writing. Have a great day.
Happy sits day! Love this post, you made me laugh very early in the morning..
These are great! I am, however, combining the only-eat-lemons-soaked-in-soy-sauce fact with my own gagging fact. Wow. That's an intense pregnancy food. I hope you have a great SITS day!
And my sheep always turn into James McAvoy.
Very funny. But, I'm sorry you can't have Jim from The Office. He's mine! I called dibbs!
Hey I already commented on this! I love this post, especially since it's about when I started reading your blog. I"m so happy you are the featured blog this week and I am honored to guest post in May.
PS I am working on your CD this weekend and sending it out Monday, sorry for the delay!
How in the hell does #7 not make you gag?
Winks & Smiles,
Thank you for sharing (said in obviously fake happy voice). Seriously, these were funny. But mostly because I think the only one we have in common is #7! I don't remember what I COULD eat... I just remember that even smell of bread toasting would make me #5. I had bad morning sickness first AND last trimester; when feeling bad I would like down on the sofa and listen to Enya's Shepherd Moons. When my son was about 3 months old, I turned on the Enya CD and within about 4 seconds was green to the gills! (Power of association!) I figured out it didn't happen if I played it on shuffle, LOL! :D
I'm the same way about driving. I used to always fall asleep with the tv on, too. But, now I'm afraid I won't hear my kids if they need me during the night, so I turn it off.
Nice to meet ya! I'm over from SITS.
I (gag) really (gag) easily (gag) too (gag)!
Sometimes I even puke in my mouth a little over stupid the smell of someone's perfume or farts in an elevator.
LOL! loved this post!!! #2 and #3 could sooo be me!!!
Hi from SiTS!
You already know what I think about birds......
These are too funny. I don't consider myself afraid of birds per se, but every summer I stop mowing the back lawn {on a riding mower} because barn swallows swoop at me because they are protecting their nearby nests. Scares the crap out of me.
I'm with ya on the gag factor... remember the show Fear Factor? My son used to delight in calling me to tell me to watch a particular gross segment... such as the contestants eating cave spiders, which are freaking huge! GAG, GAG, GAG!! I told him to never, ever ask me to watch that show ever again!!!
That's a great list. Enjoy your day!
I am totally with you with the Adam Sandler scene! Ugh - I have to stop thinking about it!!!!
Yup, I gagged a little.
Yup, I gagged a little.
I also avoid cracks. And I also get in the correct lane many miles away....I just hate fighting traffic.
Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS day!
I get in the lane much too early, too... Unless hubs hasn't told me the right way to go until the last second, which will most likely result in frustration and yelling on my part as I perilously try to maneuver the car into proper position inches before the off ramp... lol!
LOL funny stuff!
I plan my route too and get over early. I'd rather be arrive safe than 2 seconds early. In my little ole humble opinion THAT is normal.
It's the drivers who wait till the last possible millisecond to get into the exit lane, cutting off somebody, who then has to slam on their brakes causing this big chain reaction with everybody behind them and near rear end collisions, just because they waiting till the last millisecond to get over ... those are the ones who are SELF-CENTERED IDIOTS AND ABNORMAL(and dangerous drivers to boot). I'm just sayin'...
('k soapbox OUT)
Happy SITS Day!!
Ridonkulous. Now that's a cool word right there ;)
LOL! Thankfully both hubs and I need the tv on to fall asleep. I can't imagine the battles we would have if not.
Great list! My morning sickness is pretty terrible right now and those lemons are sounding pretty good!
I found it amusing that you gag easily but could handle your lemon concoction! ;) Oh...and I am the same way about sharing utensils and such. Yes, it is something I could do with the kids...but gotta warn you. One day they wake up looking too adult and you can't share anymore! Nope...can't do it!!
I am a gagger too, which only gets worse when I am pregnant. I saw that scene in Big Daddy, not happy. To make matters worse, I was pregnant!
During those morning sickness times, I increase my mustard intake. It seems to calm the stomach a bit. Weird, because baby magazines says it makes morning sickness worse.
My Hubby and I need white noise to fall asleep. We have a 30 year old fan in our room. Can't be a new fan, they are to quiet.
Congrats on your SITS day!!!
And you are with birds like I am with fish.
I can't stand to watch those nasty little creatures swim around in the water. Ugh. Shudder.
I digress....
Congrats, again!
LOL! The step on the crack is one I fell victim to also. It's surprising how something like that will stick with you forever! In high school my science teacher gave the class a little lecture on not using so much dish soap to clean equipment after an experiment. "All you need is one little drop. You don't have to fill each test tube half way up with soap!" I think of that just every time I do the dishes!
I gag easily too. Especially at spit, drool, and snot sightings. Yuck! Can't stand that!
My mom does that funny thing while driving. "Better get over while you get the cnance...(3 miles before)." And I have been gagging since my first pregnanacy 4 years ago. Kinda like the morning sickness still lingers a little. What's up with that?!
So, You are not alone!
I can relate to #3 and I drive everyone else crazy when I'm a passenger too. I act like I've got my own brake and I grab at the dashboard going, "oh, oh...did you see that". So, you aren't the only
Ha! I love it! And can TOTALLY relate especially to the lane changing to save you stress in the end! We are twins separated at birth. (except I am way old!) Your pregnancy meal sound delish, I never, EVER step on cracks, I gag at EVERYTHING (can you say brush your teeth...gag), I cannot go to sleep without the TV on (taught my children this lovely habit!), I have to make sure I'm ready for my exit an eternity before arriving there, don't ask me to take a bit of anything you have already touched your mouth to and I HATE birds (except to eat of course) PLUS I LOVE JIM...and I'm pretty sure he loves me too!!
My daughter hates birds too. She loves to go to San Francisco and it's hilarious to watch her with the pigeons!
Stopped by from SITS, I been enjoying your posts!
I am afraid of Chickens. They creep me out, but I had my toes pecked at as a kid and teenager, so I feel it is justified!
Going to Follow you I loved your blog!
Just yesterday i found myself avoiding cracks on the sidewalk because that rhyme popped into my head for some reason. Strange, i know.
Happy SITS day!
#5 and #2 I with you all the way! My son is the only priveledged one that can drink or eat after me..haha
Great post!
~ Shara
Blissfully Chaotic
Thanks for the smiles! :)
Oh dear, afraid of birds? LOL that makes me laugh, they are so harmless aren't they? And yes, I puckered at number 7 what the?
i woudl do it but i could never beat you!
I am so with you on the gagging thing and the birds...yikes....
love your blog its great...
Ohhh...that Big Daddy loogie scene was disgusting!! Right there with you!! EWWW!
Happy SITS!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
You made my morning! I'm hooked!
I completely have to have the TV on to go to sleep, but the rule is that I have to set the sleep on and my hubby will be OK with it. Visiting from SITS, love the blog.
best thing about my new tv is sleep timer...I sleep with the tv on too, to drown out the snorer next to me.
congrats on your SITS day
#3 is totally me! My mom just moseys along in the wrong lane until she has to turn or whatever...I have to be in th right lane waaay in advance! My dad's the same way. =)
Happy SITS Day!
Ha, you are too funny! HAPPY SITS day girl!
Jamie :-)
Ewww...that loogie scene in Big Daddy gets to me, too. Yuck.
Happy SITS day!
I'm like that on the highway, too...I think I lived here a year before I ventured out of the far right lane on the highway I take to work.
Always fun to read these lists. Too bad I can't play along...because, silly, there's nothing weird about me!
these kind of posts are so fun to read!!
I totally avoid cracks too! Funny!
Great list! Interesting craving you had during your morning sickness! Birds creep me out too.
Stopping by from SITS! I too have a very strong gag reflex... I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one!
Great post...very entertaining and telling about you.
Here is what I want to did you discover that lemons, soaking in soy sauce, pepper and vinegar would cure nausea? What else did you have to try to find that concoction? LOL
Got the mother's back thing going on, but everything else, . . . ya, you're a little weird. Especially the lemon, vinegar soy-sauce thing. Whoo. How'd you ever think of that!
Birds scare the crap out of this girl, too!
#3 Yep, that's me. Drives my hubby crazy!
My mother is afraid of birds. So when I was 16 I thought I was Dr. Phil and was going to cure her by having her touch my TEENY little bird who I found outside and mistakenly assumed could not fly. After all, he let me walk right up to him and pick him up. The only reason I was allowed to have him at all was because "he can't fly, Mom." Well, needless to say, the one day my Mom built up the nerve to stick her finger out to touch the bird and be CURED, the bird decided to do a 747 move around the living room - just as my mom's finger got to his breast. Both Mom & bird flew in opposite directions. Mom locked herself in the bathroom until Dad came home and declared bird had to go. I never did get my psych degree.
I hope you have a fantastic SITS day!
Very fun! I'll play...hmmm, narrow it down to just seven.
I too have to fall asleep with the TV on. If I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I put in another movie or set the TV sleep timer to lull me back to sleep again.
Ok, so I could actually do the lemon thing. I love lemon. My mouth is watering at the thought of sucking on a lemon right now actually.... But how did you come UP with such a concoction?
I'm so with you on #2-4 though. But me? I have a sleep timer. It goes off about 30 minutes after I get into bed and everyone's happy!
I have driving issues too. It drives my husband nutty that I insist on driving the speed limit.
Humm...lemons sound good right about now....
You are cracking me up! I had a friend that was afraid of birds... I just don't get it. Lol
Really, Jim??? He's funny and cute, I guess.... but the stuff of dreams? I think not! :)
Happy SITS day!
Is it weird that your weird things sound normal to me? Especially the gag thing!!
There are a few of "weird" things that describe me completely, but I never thought them to be weird.
I don't like birds either. Never have. My mom told me a story. When I was a baby she's sit with me outside and I'd suddenly start screaming, terrified. It took her awhile to figure out what was frighting me. It was the shadows from the birds flying overhead. The birds would swoop over and their shadows would swoop across the ground, coming quickly towards us and I would start screaming. So, yeah, I've never liked birds. Lol
I love birds, but mostly taking their pictures or watching them from a distance. The Avian flu thing ruined it for me!
You are funny! Love the post to celebrate your being featured yesterday. Congrats from a fellow sitstah!
I may just do the 7 weird things in my own blog. I'll come back if I do. ;-)
I'm completely amazed your were able to eat that, but I'm glad it worked for you!
I'm with you sister on the gagging - although - can it be - I think I am worse!!!!!!!!! Literally, our dog makes me gag - I hate her so much! If I go outside - I usually end of throwing up in the grass b/c of that damn dog!
Hope you enjoyed your SITS day!
I don't like birds, either... pigeons are the worst, with their beady little eyes and incessant cooing...
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