So I had the last 4 days off.
I died and went to no diet allowed heaven.
No work. Bonus points in this place called no diet heaven.
Well actually, I allowed for more aggressive domestic duties as I knew I wouldn't have to conserve any energy for the 9 hour work shift, therefore killing myself.
It's been fun, relaxing, looking at my husband saying I didn't take off 4 days in a row so you can play with your online buddies, hung out with a cousin and her kids, cooked a new recipe (Shoyu Chicken and it was De-lish and I usually am a little skeptical about cooking out of my Hamburger Helper zone), convinced my mother to take a day off from work and hang with me and the kid, did the zoo thing and discovered a mother's new best friend that I'll post about sometime next week. boss text'd me tonight asking if I was ready to come back?
Erm, NO! But what's a working girl to do?
(Me waving at any millionaire that wants to give to a spectacular person with no strings attached...anyone?...hello??...damn it!)
Well, it was good while it lasted.
I wanted to thank Janana Bee & Maki for giving me this award. YOU GUYS!!! (bashfully accepts :) Go visit these gals. Maki is from my neck of the woods (Hawaii) but currently living in Florida and Janana Bee is another awesome blogger that is a great read!There is a whole bunch of rules I'm supposed to follow....
The honorees are to: a) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep! B) pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap."
As I've embarrassed myself enough by posting here AND just look over to the sidebar somewhere and you'll see my 777 series I did a while back. Those people did NOT hold back :)
Oh and another thing I want to tidy up and get done is from Martha. You gotta love this lady. She's just all kinds of awesome. She tagged me to pick from my 4th folder, 4th pic thing.
Lil Rambler...contemplating life for her 2 year old self.
Michele @ Mammatalk
Sticky @ Not too sticky
The RaMbLer @ err....The RaMbLer (don't be confused, she's my blogtwin from OK)
Anna @ Life Just Keeps Getting Weirder
I'm gonna stick with the number 4. Because I liked what Martha said about it being sacred in many cultures.
Aloha 'Oe everyone! Until we blog again :)

12 ramblings of your own:
Alrighty chickie..I am heading off to bed now that it's 1:15 and I swear I hear Hubby snoring in there!
I will accept both awards (graciously) ... Thanks! will have to keep checkin though cause I will be changin it up a little! ;)
Gnite Gurl!
btw-that Maki can write...I bumped into her this past week from her SITSday.
Congratulations to your award! i think you deserve it, really.
I love the picture. It's so cute. It makes me want to get in there and make Lil Rambler smile. :)
I too am waiting for that millionaire....
How lovely to have four days off! Have a fabulous weekend!
So sorry your staycation is ending!
Your daughter is so beautiful! Congrats on the Honest Scrap Award! I hope you have a great weekend with no cranky customers.
Thanx bunches!
What a fun blog you have here! My MIL just moved to the mainland after spending 26 years on Maui. Ahhh, I'm slightly jealous of you. It's cold here!
K...I'm back and I have an award for you! Come and get it!!
yea...and I need 4 days off too!! oh, I get 3 with the holiday Monday.
You are right...your baby is precious!
Cute cute...what a great award! Glad you had a nice 4 days off, it's always hard to get back to the grind, hehe. Have a happy day SITSta!
You've already got it, but present on my Sunday blog!
Hey - thanks so much for the Honest Scrap award! That's super-cool! I'll have to work on my list, but I'll get the link-back up right away...
Thanks again and take care...
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