From the last Think About it favorite comment was from a Real Life friend...Krissy...who blogs, not as much as I love, but I take what I can get, right Mary?
"real ability: i think that i would love to wake up one day and be able to speak and understand every language ever spoken. how wonderful life would be if i could go to any country and understand what they were saying to me (be it good or bad). but i think it would great because then i could also teach others.
fake ability: i would love to have the ability to be invisible. oh hell yah. all i have to say is HELLA FUN!!!"
Most of you though said you'd love to be invisible. I'd have to agree :)
This week's one is a little deep. A little off my light humor road I usually tread upon.
#3 pg. 12
"If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them yet?"
Tooj, if you read this, why don't you pick next week's question for me. Just tell me page number and question...that is if you can find your book :)
2 minutes ago
13 ramblings of your own:
yeah, that one is to deep for me. I love this idea though...
I have actually said this once before to my son (when he was asking questions about death), but I'm a firm believer in repeating myself. I would regret not having reminded my son that I would always be with him in spirit watching over him. I can't stand the thought of my son feeling that he would be growing up without his mom.
Ok, I'm deflated now. Can you pick a happy question next Thursday...please??? Sorry...I'm good at being dramatic!
It would probably be something deep and meaningful that I haven't said to my children yet. I can't actually think of anything specific at the moment, but if I do, I'll comment again. I think my husband and children know how much I love them....
My answer? Hard to explain....but if I were to leave tonight, I would most regret not being able to speak to my 9 month old and have him comprehend and be able to remember what I tell him. My 4 year old at least has some memories of us together by this age, and photos to help him recollect. But the baby....he wouldn't ever remember me at all, just pictures (and not that many, either!) of a lady who called him grumpy baby all the time. So maybe tonight I won't call him grumpy.
(I will get back with you once I am home with a question. Thanks for asking me!! How fun.)
I guess I would tell my Dad that I forgive him for the whole leaving-us-in-the-middle-of-the-night thing.
I haven't told him because I can't. Even typing this I'm starting to cry. I've forgiven him, but I'm not over it. It still hurts, a lot. I guess that's something I should strive for this year, huh?
Great! Thanks for making me cry! Geez!!
I would wish I could tell Kai how happy she has made me. How she has changed my life for the better. That she gave me a purpose in this life. I would wish that she would understand how important it would be that she knows me and who I am like I wish I knew dad and that she needs to be herself. There will be times in life that hard decisions have to be made and she will need to make them, with out compromising who she is....
P.S. Thanks for the should definetly pick a better tone for next if you were part of a band, what role would you take: lead singer, guitar, piano, drummer, back-up, dancer, or set designer? and what would your theme song be and why?
WV: mitestsh
It is the Minnesota way of saying Might you comes out : mitetsh you be staying to make some cheeese luv?
Very thoughtful post, I think those in my life know what is in my heart. Thank you for helping me reflect on this.
I don't think there's really anything I'd regret not saying, just the opportunity to say good bye. I'm not a very verbally emotional person (I don't feel comfortable even telling my family I love them), so it would be out of character for me to suddenly get mushy. I show it more in my actions than what I say/write. Except to Ted, of course :)
I turned to #192 on page 160. If you don't want that one, let me know! :) And if you could somehow work the verification word into the post...I'd love it. It was:
Wooooh, deep thoughts. Great reflections, don't really know what I'd tell everyone...I think I tell everyone everything on the daily.
so your question struck a pretty strong reaction/cord in me and i wrote a whole post about it..heavy stuff....
OMG, I can't even think about this. I think this is a great idea, but this question will just open up things I can't think about!
Hmmm...I would definitely regret the (lack of) a relationship I have with my family.
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