Yuppers.....still going.
Just give me 5 more minutes AND then wake me up.
With a stick.
Cause I wouldn't come to close.
Can someone dab the drool off my face?
Are for goodness sakes....can you NOT post recipes on your blogs. My bloggy waistline has grown just reading them!
I didn't feel right about posting my Not Me's until Stellan gets better so for now, just click the button and send MckMama well wishes and prayers for her sweet baby boy!

33 ramblings of your own:
Good luck returning all those comments!
Nudge, nudge. Wake up, sleepy head! It's a bright sunny day today.
(Did you hate your mother as much as I did when she would do that?)
Sorry I threw the stick and my dog hasn't learned to fetch!
it took me DAYS and to be honest I think I might have missed a few..
AND I sort of phoned it in to the "regulars" will and email hit back.. It's fun though huh?!
We are praying like crazy for Stellan too.
You are more a woman than I. I would certainly do something lazy like just putting a big sparkly THANK YOU on my site.
Glad I'll never have to worry about that, I'll never get over 300 comments :)
I agree about recipe post-ers. With or without photos I'm at the computer to stay OUT of the fridge!
I became a follower, loved your 3 posts from SITS. Glad you came to visit, couldn't remember your blog name :-)
Wow, congratulations on all those comments!! What a job you have replying to them all... I hope you recover from square-eyes & repetitive-strain soon :)
Wow, 300 comments! lol. I think I'll quietly leave one here and let you get your rest....
That picture was too funny. great post
Wow - thems a lot of posts girlie! See, I knew you were amazing, now everyone knows!
Hope you had a good snooze - now get back to work!!
Funny! :0)
OMG that might as well be me in that pic. Cannot wake up fully today.
Hey, that's what I looked like this morning.
Ok! I am an awful SITS/Welcomista SITSta. I missed your day. I've missed a lot! Eeeeeek!
Doing some catch up today. Your post made me laugh. Glad you are getting through your over 300 comments! Whoo-hoo!
Went over and let Stellan's family know they are in my thoughts and prayers! So sad...
Here's a virtual Kleenex to wipe your drool. Off to give Stellan's mom some comment love, Mahalo!!
Shake it off! Wake up! Wake up! Wanna smack me yet? Too bad you live too far away to reach me!
That kind of Monday for you, too? I miss you sweet bed of mine. I miss you dearly.
Just read about Stellan on sassy's!
Cannot imagine.
::more spirit fingers::
Come see me I have a 'lil something' for you!
Thanks for saying HI on my blog! Much appreciated. Glad the tips of how to enlarge your pics was helpful!
Your super martyr cartoon made me laugh out loud! LOVE it!
300? Huh? Good luck with that! LOL
I keep praying and worry every time I go there that things will be worse. I know God can do anything and so even when it looks hopeless, I know it can turn around anytime!
Well, make sure you visit my blog today or Wednesday then, because there will be a yummy recipe there tomorrow :)
It's really hard to return them all, but keep at it. It's such a great feeling to see all those comments, isn't it?
I sent a picture to the name gallery. I think you should go to the beach with maddie and draw his name in the sand and have maddie sit next to it. McKMamma would love that.
Stellan is worth the wait.
Umm, yeah - I'm not sure that I can promise what you have, but I'd try - with no commitment :)
Thanks for the follow - I added you to mine, I love to share the love.
Now I know why you haven't returned my email. Right? OMG, I am so insecure. Maybe you have a dozen knew BBF's and you don't even like me anymore! Should I just keep perstering you like I did my high school boyfriend? Well he wasn't my boyfriend per say. But I did pester him to try and get him to like me. It never really worked out in my favor. *sigh* Hope you had a great time being the FB!
It is so wonderful to see the entire blogging community supporting MckMama and her family through this trying time. Thank you for what you are doing. I too have been sending my thoughts and prayers out for Stellan.
How funny that we used the exact same picture on our posts yesterday. It was one of those days...Hope you enjoyed your SITS Day!
I've been hitting you with this stick for over 15 minutes now and you just won't budge!
I give up.
You're doing awesome. I can't imagine replying to quite that many comments. Totally overwhelming.
LOL! You have honored me! (now wipe that drool off your face)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and returning the comment!
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