I'm always looking for visuals to post along with the ramblings that I type ferociously through these tired fingers of mine. I typed in female Hulk and got this....eh, it works.
Trying out my friends Wii Fit game yesterday just validated that One...I need that stinking game....Two, when the stupid thing gasped "Ohhhh" when I stepped on it I knew I needed to lose the poundage. (I flipped it the finger a couple times).
The diet is going to get an ass kicking tonight. We are walking the "How much more can I possibly sweat" kind of walk with Real Life Diet Buddy. A car in the middle of walk might prove to be useful. (eh, what do you want from us, it's a long walk)
I've really changed the way I've been eating. (Groan, mumble, grrrrr.)
It's been working. Because the freaking scale told me yesterday I lost 2 pounds after 6 days of not shoving fried/baked with a pound of butter & sugar/doused in syrup/ bubbly cans of Coke crap in my mouth.
This body has been pooping out anything that comes in the color green or classified as fruit. (What?....TMI?)
Water and I have agreed to disagree that I must learn to love him. I must. (whatever, fine. I'm squeezing lemon though....I draw the line)
So, dear bloggy pals, wish me luck!
And always....Mondays are dedicated to Stellan. Wishing him and MckMama hugs and kisses today.

28 ramblings of your own:
I had always assumed you were the She-hulk anyway.
I have flipped my wii fit the finger a couple of times myself...mostly when I'm trying like Heck to catch a hula hoop, and my little mii doesn't bend over. Actually I guess I'm flippin' my self off..huh.
Good luck! :)
the Wii Fit made my Mii fat. That pissed me off
I love the She Hulk!
I don't get on my wii fit because I don't want it to tell me how much weight I've gained lately. Too depressing. But congrats on losing 2 lbs! Keep up the good work.
I was the same with water...hated it. Give it a week. After a solid week of drinking the required amounts, you'll literally crave it if you don't get it all in your day.
I am proud of You!! Keep up the good work, off to do some exercise right now in sympathy for The Rambler.
i totally refuse to participate in the craze that is the wii fit.
it reminds me too much of the ex-husband and his obsession with gaming.
i had great aspirations myself to wake up early this morning and take the dog for a run.
not so much.
maybe tomorrow.
and i think you look pretty hot.
I don't have Wii, but I hear about it all the time. Flipping the bird, good one :) Lemon in water is excellent. I wish I could exercise. Oh? You didn't know? I'm allergic to exercise. DEATHLY allergic. No, you don't need a note from my Dr to prove it. Just trust me, heh
Ramble on!
Diets have to be the worst thing ever created. I have come to realize everyone who does it has more gumption thatn me because I cannot go without eating what I want. I just try to eat in smaller portions. and not as often...damn those waffles! :) Proud of you though! my BF cut out soda and any kind of cookies and she lost 15 lbs. in 2 weeks! It is possible!
Best of luck - I see 13 pounds to go on your blog!
I need to lose the post-baby gut. From 2 years ago. Ya, I have no more excuses. *sigh*. Give up BUTTER?!? *sigh*. Start walking for hours at a time? *sigh*. Yet, as bathing suit season approaches, it is time.
Good luck to both of us!
I have a She-Hulk in me even without the diet! Good luck with everything. I've heard the Wii Fit will still say some mean things, even once you lose your weight, which is kind of weird. I'm trying some strength training videos on OnDemand too.
I like the She-Hulk.
I like to visualize Demi Moore doing one handed push ups in GI Jane myself. She was freakin' ripped.
She hulk wont stopping looking at me. Good for you and your walking and eating better. :)
Water and I took a long time to befriend one another, but you'll thank yourself if you keep at it. I promise. Whenever I feel anything icky coming into my body like sniffles or something, I chug water and it helps. Honest.
And don't worry about the Wii. A lady here at work had to laugh at her wii mii because once it got all her "info" in there, it made her wii mii short, squatty, and fat and it ran like a sumo when the others were sprinting around, long and lean. LOL
Cutting the soda out really helps! My husband switched from regular to diet and dropped some weight!
I hate Wii Fit. Mother in law bought me one for my birthday. It called me obese. A-hole. I used it like ten times, tops.
I've been dying for a wii fit too. If it said "ooh" when you stepped on it, I can't even imagine what it will say when I step on it. I don't need insults, just exercise...sheesh!
I need to get on you with this diet thing, I keep saying that...
And I hate water. People PEE in water. Why would I want to drink something people pee on?
I have a wii fit. It judges me. They need a wii fit that embraces you and tells you it loves you despite your fat ass.
Good for you!! Keep it up. I say whether it's wii or walking or whatever... if it works keep doing it :)
A Wii Fit is something I do not need. If it groaned when I stepped on it, or made my Mii fat, I would cry and go eat cookies.
Congrats on the two pounds - way to go!
Good luck on your mission lady! Kill it! I have tagged you on my blog in my last post :) Hope you're having a great day!
If you can figure how to succeed at that whole diet thing, let me know :)
I'm jealous---that you can lose.
Good luck!
Water and I were cool for a few weeks. Then the craving came back and I was like a crack whore, looking for a soda. Wait. I mean, crack. I caved.
With the soda, not the crack.
I'm there with you - trying to lose 15 pounds... I decided to break it down into 5 pound increments to make it seem more achievable. I was doing pretty well when my knee went out on me a few weeks ago while running. Still trying to lose the weight - kinda hard when you knee and hip hurt half the time. But I have a goal - we move to Florida in 8 weeks and I gotta look good in a bathing suit!
i'm behind on blog reading AGAIN but water tip (because i will always hate it) . . . fill the glass with 1/4 - 1/3 of cranberry juice and the rest with water. much more tolerable and good for the kidneys and such.
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