Is it just me or does going back to work the first day after vacation.....SUCK ASS.
Egads. I know. I said ass. I rarely swear on this blog (for fear my grandmother will maybe one day read this blog of mine and tell me she'll come clean my mouth with soap. It will be proof that I'm not a totally classy lady, because in real life, truck drivers got nothing on me.)
Anway, back on point here.
Seriously. I went back to work and felt like being there but not really "being there" (insert air hand quotation for more effect). Like an out of body experience watching yourself do the work. I only wish I had a margarita while watching myself.
Slapping my face. Back to story.
I walk in and everyone has to tell me everything I've missed (may I just put my purse down first and look at my desk for a moment), and then listen to adults (my staff)bicker (for God's sake people, GROW the EFF UP. The children (ages 1-3)on my vacation played nicer together than you all and those with children know sometimes that's hard to do.)
Maybe I'm getting too old for my job. I really did feel like I was channeling Danny Glover from Lethal Weapon...
I know. Stop my whining.
I just had some days off. I should be refreshed and all rose colored happy walking into work today. Well, I don't wanna.
Humpfh. (crossing my arms with major pouty lips.)
How about that!?!
Come back next time for Ramblers kick and scream tantrum on the ground when she stays up past her vacation bed time.
(I kid)
6 hours ago
20 ramblings of your own:
I guess I would need to actually GO on a vacation to understand the feelings you're having now, lol. I guess I'm just gonna have a margarita anyway.
Nothing like a grown up Kick and Scream.
Please be considerate of others. Remember to Writhe and Flail.
Oh Rambler! You crack me up girlfriend!
Can't wait for episode #2! LOL
Seven more work days for this old gal and then it is summer break. And although the DOE does not pay me enough to go visit my family in CA and pay my mortgage - it is still a welcome break.
I'm so glad your back! I hate going on vacation to "take a break" only the second I'm back from my "break" I feel like it just wasn't long enough... is it ever though???
That's a great term and one I intend to use more often. I hate the "catch-up" session required when back from holiday.
I hate coming down from a vacay! Its so hard to do---to get back into the swing of things---go ahead and take that tantrum....
I hated when I came back from my kid free trip to the Mall of America. Suddenly it was back to the screaming and the crying and quite frankly, I wanted to run out the door and leave again.
Haha - Welcome back!!
Coming down off a vacation high is especially brutal. I usually try to schedule one more day off in between coming back and going to work, just to try to ease myself into it. I hope you had a nice break!
Well, welcome back anyway.
To me, the worst part is having to go to bed early again. Sorry to rub it in, but my 3-month vacation starts in 5.5 days. (Notice I only put a period there, rather than an explanation point, which is what I wanted to put, but because I'm a good friend, I decided to tone it down a bit.) Wait a minute! You live in Hawaii, and I live in Wisconsin. EVERY day in Hawaii is a vacation day, isn't it?! :)
I agree with you, going back to work after vacation really does suck. There's no way to make it better. Unless you're just going back to quit because you won the lottery. Then THAT would be cool.
Ahhh... gotta love the office politics and dimwittedness. I always think it won't be there when I go back into the office, yet... there it is. I'm guessing you need another vacation already?
I'm 3.5 hours in to my first day back at work after being in Venice last week. It's so rubbish being here!!! Why does it feel like you've never been away after only 30 mins back in the office?
Have you planned your next holiday already?
It is always amazing to me that when adults get confined in a small space together, they revert in age. It's really the most bizarre phenomenon.
COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! We miss you guys :(
I always feel that way after a vacay- the longer I am away from work, the less I want to come back! Glad you had a good time :) Great posts by ALL of your guest posters too!
Hopefully the vacation was worth it!!! Hugs!
HA HA - Isn't it amazing how stepping foot back to work seems to make the vaca feel like it was months ago?? i HATE that!!
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