Great comments on last weeks question on Are you as you are in real life as your blog life?
I'm a lot more fun in my blog. In person, I'm probably boring.
- I can't imagine that. Your blog is too fun for you to be boring!
This is something I struggle with, but kind of in the opposite: I think I am much nicer on my blog than I am in real life, meaning I'm much more forthcoming and open if you know me in person.
I like to think of my blog as a better, nicer, and kinder version of me. :) - That's interesting. Who do you enjoy being more? The blogger or the real lifer?
I'm just as snarkastically delicious in real life as I am in my blog. I speak just as grammatically correct as I write, and I never misspell any words in my head.
BUT, I like people in Blogland better than I do in real life. In real life, people tend to get on my nerves and make me want to blog about them=) - I love ANYONE that says they are snarkastically delicious!!!
DEFINITELY NOT!! I don't think so. I am so much more candid and so much more open online than anywhere IRL. If you and I were to... like... suddenly bump into each other in the middle of the ocean, say... since you are in Hawaii and I'm in Seattle, just to be rambling like you... I won't even be able to CHAT with you. I'll be petrified with shyness... I may manage to squeak out "hello!" and then there'll be this uncomfortable silence. The silence will stretch on and on until someone says "Oh I have to go to the bathroom" and flee. Either you or me. I hate when that happens but that probably is what would happen with me. Several times... like 20 years ago that is... I was chatting with a guy (when AOL first came out) and the guy would want to meet me and I'll say sure... only to stand them up. I did this more than once. I literally turn into solid rock... no wonder I'm in my late 30's and still single. Too freaking shy.
So this week's question came inspired from questions and conversation over the woman that received a face transplant.
"Could you go through with a face transplant? As a family member of the donor how hard would this be for you see to a face you once knew belong to someone else?"
An employee of mine and I discussed this topic tonight about the emotional crap this woman must be going through.
First, having a massive douche of a husband who only got 7 years in prison, Second, surviving such a horrendous attack and lastly living with another persons face that isn't yours.

I am much more outgoing and friendly in my blog. I am not a social person in real life because I have too many fears of rejection.