Thanks to those that participated in last weeks influential person question last week.
Some comments to share with the classroom today :)
OliveStreetStudio said... Thanks for your story - very nice that you had the unexpected opportunity to thank this supportive man!! I have two minor bits to contribute:
To the woman who gave me my first job in an ice-cream parlor when I was 12 - I worked for her for 7 summers and she really helped bring me out of my shy-shell. I eventually ran the shop and placed our orders. She trusted me with running her business. To this day I tell her that job was my absolute favorite in the world (and not because i got to eat ice cream everyday!)
My negative on this: My Aunt, who when I told I wanted to major in Biology, told me I'd never make any $$ or I'd have to go to med school....she discouraged me at 16 YOs and I got nervous so I switched my major. To this DAY I regret not pursuing my love of science...BUT I have gone back to school and taken bio, chem, and physics classes and one day hope to teach HS Chemistry. :-)
I loved that you had someone that was an influence on both ends. Great comment!!
WhisperingWriter said...
i would have to say the wife of the youth pastor i hated.
confused? ok let me explain.
he was a guy who just rubbed me the wrong way.
his wife was sweet, caring, thoughtful, loved God with everything in her. she was everything i ever wanted to be.
well... except for being married to him.
she was someone who would listen to anything, was supportive, helpful. she cared so much about each of us girls. it's amazing when i think back to her.
and no, i don't think that i've ever been able to tell her how i feel about it because they've long since moved and i've lost touch with her. not that i couldn't find them with a bit of detective work.
but she was amazing. and probably still is. - I have always been fascinated with finding someone that is absolutely wonderful and to find their partner to be someone you would never want to be in a room with.
Okay so my sister Antibloggedy inspired my question for today....
"Tell me your favorite/funny/gross thing about the 5 senses. Sense of Smell, Sound, Taste, Touch & Sight"

Smell...Chocolate and hot bread....especially if together...mmmmmm.
Sound..My daughters laughter.
Taste...The chocolate and hot bread (What...I can have this has two things right?)
Touch...My daughters hugs.
Sight...Lil Rambler...EVERYDAY.
Okay people...
Wonderful post.
To be honest, I think it WAS my parents who were quite influential in my life. You see, my Mom was an Officer in the Air Force and she battled all sorts of sexism. She never gave up. Then my Dad decided to stay home with me because he walked in to pick me up at daycare once and he didn't like the tone the providers were using at the children. So he quit his job and became a SAHD. Back in those days, it wasn't done as often so he was mocked quite a bit. Both of my parents have always fascinated me.