Thanks for participating in last week's "Are you where you thought you'd be?" question.
"I'm stumped people. Gimme a question. I'll use these questions for the next couple of Think About It Thursdays post"
I haven't been really feeling the blog life lately. I can't understand it. I look at my laptop and sigh rather than burn it's lifetime in battery life down. Maybe like Mammatalk said, it's summer and maybe bloggers prefer this as a winter sport?
However, I did read a post yesterday from It's a Fine Life. It really resonated with me and I completely understood what she was writing about. About filling your emotional cup. Please go over there and check it out. Interesting read.
Until next week folks.

My life is isn't where I thought it would be at all - but it's actually better.
I wasn't planning on even thinking about getting married until I was 30 and never in a hundred years did I expect to be a SAHM.
I was going to be a hard core career girl all the way. I even had the hard core job for 5 years and got the masters degree.
My second is due a week before my 30th birthday and I've been married 5 years. Who knew?
My goal was to be published by 25.
That never happened.
I'm working on getting published by 30.
I hope that happens.
In some ways, I'm beyond where I thought I'd be.
I do feel like a grown up who knows her own mind, something I expected by 28 but didn't really get to for another few years.
I do have more than one child, something I wasn't sure would happen and almost didn't (they're 15 years apart), but nowhere near the eight I "knew" I'd have when I was younger.
The man I'm married to is frequently the stuff dreams are made of, with not too much real life "guy" thrown in. Not sure how I score like I did, so don't tell anyone.
We own a home... a dream only recently hatched and very recently achieved.
But I'm not a nurse, which was my back up plan for the eight kids. I've looked into it, but my tolerance for school isn't what it once... oh, who am I kidding? I don't have the attention span for it.
This is off topic, but this foggy-brained morning a song came on the radio. Something by Kenny Chesney, where he sings "I was going fast as a Rambler goes... " The visual image that usually comes with that song has now been replaced by some sort of amalgam of you pushing a stroller and working in a restaurant at warp speed. As I said, foggy-brained morning.