Music....I wasn't always a person who enjoyed the rock genre...but as I got older, my bubble gum lollipop school girl crushes on pop stars made room for a bit darker types of music.
Okay, actually I missed the day we were all supposed to attend the "This is Music and what you need to know about it" class. I have no clue about what harmonies are really supposed to sound like, or melodies, or tenors, or...you get it right.
I can't even sing the right words...EVER. I drive my baby sister kooky when I sing, cause she's like an expert (eye roll via me). Cause she had a couple singing lessons. And me? Well, I got hit by the "don't let her sing" stick on my way out of my mothers whoo-ha.
I just like music but can't tell you why I really like it. Usually music always brings me back to specific places in my past. Doesn't it always?
This week I bring you Pearl Jam...The End. (It's a beautiful and haunting type of song.)
I just heard this song for a first time last week on a show I watch "Castle" brought to you via a awesome app on my IPhone "Shazaam".

You hear a song, you quickly dive and hunt for your IPhone and push the Shazaam button and pray there is enough song left for this bad boy app to pick up, analyze and send back to you the name of the song.
Thank God for this app...cause I'm the person who's asking someone to "name that tune" and trying to hum it. I suck at humming it. My kid tells me to shush when I hum. So my can you tell me the song "Fix It" by Coldplay might sound like "Mary had a little lamb"
Speaking of Castle...I have a mad crush on this man. Nathan Fillion.

Don't tell my husband.
I'm done here. Peace Out!

25 ramblings of your own:
I love Pearl Jam, love that song and now I want an Iphone.
Nathan Fillion rocks! Have you seen him in Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog? :)
love pearl jam and LOVE LOVE LOVE that song! thanks for sharing it today. again, when i needed something the most.
I NEVER get all the words right to a song, but I also NEVER let it stop me from singing along...I feel a Sisterhood here!
I'm the singer who cahnges the words and then sings it in an aweful accent or worse...i rap to a rock song, or take it to the opera level...my kids...cant stand it...but, I love to do it to embarass them..the joys of motherhood! :)
I don't watch Castle, but I hear it's good. I have Shazaam on my phone. It's awesome.
The End was on Castle??? Cool!
Pearl Jam is my fav band and the new album rules!
I have used my shazam app sooooo many times! It is really the best app out there.
Now that is one cool app!
love that song....pearl jam is a great band
I love how music completely transports me to another time... but I must admit that Pearl Jam transports me to a bad phase of my life back when I was a stupid teen... so I usually skip their songs. Got any Neil Diamond???
What's Castle about? I feel like I've heard about it but I don't know anything about it. I wish that app was made for BlackBerries, too. Geez I could use that. I always try to write down the lyrics really fast so I can google 'em later.
P.S. -- I think Nathan is a cutie, too!
I totally used to have the hots for Mr. Eddie Vedder. Yeah, all his dirty, grunginess. I dunno man. Must have been the voice.
I didn't realize I like Pearl Jam until a couple of years ago. I have this habit of really liking songs and not having a clue who sings them.
Seriously love Castle, btw. And Nathan Fillion. I'm stalking--er--following him on Twitter.
My musical tastes have so changed...I have always been a radio-over-TV girl. Classic rock - to top 40- to alternative-back to classic rock. Never was much into Pearl Jam bsides the "10" disc. My latest download from iTunes is an old (likely defunct) Scottish band APB....check out the base in "shoot you down"...
I'm SO with you here. On a bazillion points (roughly). Here are a few of them:
1. Ugh! Not only was my best friend of my teen years, Norm, a music fanatic (his idea of fun while in his little Nissan pick-up was to grill me about who was singing and what was the name of the song... something I managed to get right probably twice), but I married a guy who LOVES to read and memorize the liner notes. I mean, mention some producer from 30 years ago and he'll tell you what the guy has done since then. Oh, and he loves Pearl Jam, so through osmosis I know like four things about them. (They rock!)
2. In middle school I tried out for the tri-cities choir. Didn't get in. Flash forward 10-12 years and I'm going through the stuff my mom saved from my school years. Right on top was the rejection letter. In a special folder all by itself.
3. When Corey was a baby, he didn't get soothed by my singing. When he was old enough, he told me, "No sing." So I hummed. His reply? "No hm-hmm." AS HE WEPT.
Never heard the song before but LOVE it - thanks :)
I'm telling mr rambler
Thanks for the Pearl Jam, always wonderful.
I am thinking of you and always send my best.
haha my daughter once said to me, while i was trying to get my wife to remember a song for me, 'dad, i wish God would have given you a better voice.'
thanks jadyn
peace out homie
btw...i love pearl jam's "yellow ledbetter" great guitar intro!!!
I saw Pearl Jam in concert years ago. Amazing.
I have this habit of really liking songs and not having a clue who sings them.
Work from home India
Okay, it's killing me - what the eff is that guy from?
I need to get my ipod working.
I've got an iPod, crammed with delightful tunes like these, but my kiddo took the cord that transfers music to the computer, so now I'm stuck in neutral 'til she comes home! SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did...
Behavior Modification-Big-Time
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