I'm horrible sometimes.
I remember faces like nobodies business.
But ask me their name...and my eyes glaze over. I smile and and have a standing rule with friends and husband that if I do NOT introduce someone it means I forgot their name.
Usually my BFF gets it and runs interference and does the whole..."She's so rude, I'm BFF, you are...".
I pray they answer faster than me having to do that "Oh...BFF this is......(draw blank)....(Oh crap...awkward pause)....haha, no silly I totally remember your name....(holy farking crap)
Wavy fingers to bring you to Lil Ramblers preschool.
There are way too many kids. With a lot of names to try to place. By the time a name is said the face has left because the big people are totally boring.
The first week, I called one of her friends by anothers name. NEVER corrected me.
A month later, the teacher corrected me. (embarrassing)
I later called the right little girl the right little name. (Right?)
Oh no. That's not how I apparently roll.
Morning ritual is to wash hands before they go into class. Me and Lil Rambler pair up with her little friend and her mommy and I say with utter confidence and energy
"Good Morning Lil Wrong Name!!"
Mother of Wrong Name girl says..."Oh...haha, um her name is (totally something you've never said since Lil Rambler started school but has seen since day one)"
HELLLOOOOOO Rambler. For the love. This mother has said Lil Ramblers name since Day two. I'm on like Day 150 and I suck.
That's right. D'OH.
Anyone else?
8 hours ago
25 ramblings of your own:
I do that as well. I work with animals and I can tell you the name of the current animal I am seeing, but the owners names? I have no idea, even though they are listed somewhere on the file. For some reason I just can't get it together to remember people's names.
I have those kinds of brain farts all the time. I find that it gets worse with child birth and after that, age.
HA!! That is funny!! We have the same rule about not introducing people...!! That cracks me up...and so do the wavy fingers...which I totally pictured in my mind. I think you need to give yourself a break...I don't know HALF the kids in my son's preschool...in fact, by name...I think I know two. Yep...TWO. It's not that I don't care so much...it's just that I don't take the time I guess to figure it out...hmmm...I'm pretty lame...what can I say??!!
im the WORST at this! its beyond embarrassing i know.
the problem ive run into nowadays is that when i dont introduce someone, using their name, they also know i dont know i dont their name. or at least i assume they're on to my ignorance.
if i dont know someone's name, ive tried to make it a point to just say, 'hey im sorry im so terrible with names,' or something like that.
The kids at preschool are just a lost cause for me. Same for their parents. The only names I remember are the bad kids, lol. These two moms in the twins class look VERY similar and their sons look VERY similar. Drives me crazy.
P.S. download words with friends (the free version, duh)app and look me up under MammaDucky. We can play games!!! Eeeps!!
Do you ever wonder why Southern women say "Honey", "Sugar", "Sweetie"? Now you know.
I'm horrible with names too. Between 16 years working in restaurants and 12 years in schools - I have somewhere in my brain 1,000's of names.
My friend "P" remembers them all - plus their wives and families. She's amazing.
I try to say, "How do you spell that?" Sometimes it works. Sometimes, though, I get, "C-H-R-I-S-T-I-N-E." with the corresponding, "duh?" face.
Oh man, I'm horrible too. I think it's the schools fault for not having a get together meet and greet and refusing to let us leave until we can all play the name game 100% accurately!
I recognize MOST of the names in my daughters class, but I can actually match maybe 4 of them to a face.
And as for other parent's names? Forget about it! :)
ha! I used to be so good with names and always throught 'how can people not remember other's names?'...well, welcome to the other side of 35 where no name sticks in my head. *sigh* I totally sympathize.
BTW: I'm grabbing your button! What feature did you use for it? I'd like to put my logo into one too but no idea how. :-0
i got nothing
my brain hasn't worked properly since 01
I can usually remember the little ones names, but I ALWAYS forget the mom's names.
Totally awkward.
(me) *standing* Hi, my name is Shan.
(them) Hi Shan!
(me) Who *are* you people again?!
In my case, I blame it on the fact that I work with 140-190 students a year in my day job. On top of that I used to teach classes at night, which added another 50-ish people a year to my list of names I'll never get right.
Now I just say, I know you, right? Yeah, you look familiar, but you're out of context (*please* don't let me know them from *here*!). Where do I know you from? Ohhh, riiight... how *are* you?
Uhhhh....same problem here---done it a million times....if that makes you feel any better.
Sorry I haven't been around lately---my life is...well...you don't want to know! Missed you!
I suck with names.
I'm really good with names and faces so I can't understand your dilemma. Haha!
I used to be so goooood with names, now I seem to remember kids names much easier than the parents. The older my kids, the crappier my memory, HELP!!!
There is a little boy who goes to Cindy Lou's daycare. I call him Aiden *every single day* even though I know damn well his name is Reese. It's a habit I have gotten into and cannot seem to break. It's been going on for *gulp* 12 months. D'oh!!!
Our provider doesn't bother correcting me anymore--she knows I'll rememebr and feel like an idiot after I leave! LOL She usually gets a text message saying such.
Happy Saturday! Thanks for visiting Whoville!
Oh yes, I suffer from the same condition. I believe I got it from my mother. I'm convinced that it is genetic and although it had not been recognized as a medical ailment yet, it is still debilitating in social situations. I pray for a cure.
That's why I call everybody "hon".
I would go with Mammatalk's suggestion if I were you.
I have a stupid memory for faces, I remember every face I have ever engaged with, I mean the face of every person I have engaged with dammit, so I end up recognising too many people and then it gets very easy to mix them up.
I'm usually really good with names, but I frequently get details wrong. Like, if someone tells me a story, I can't ever remember it right. I'm fine if I was there and saw it happen, but if someone tells me about it, I am going to get it wrong.
I'm horrible with names too.
Usually I just call people, "hey you."
I have to admit...I'm usually good with names. But I've been bad about learning the kids at the school. And I feel bad. But I still got angry when another little girl that goes to school with TO keeps calling HIM the wrong name. The kid who sees him everyday calls him the wrong name. Not the parent. The kid. I was annoyed at her. And then I was annoyed at her mother because I purposely call him by his name in front of them hoping her mother corrects her...but she never did. So I corrected her. And then I got after TO for NOT correcting her. LOL Wow. What's in a name, huh?
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