I was searching the internet tonight and came across this website www.humanforsale.com. You enter in all this information about your life and it tells you how much in american dollars you are worth if for sale. It's interesting. I'm worth a million dollars after entering all my information.
Anyway, it bases some of its questions on educational background, IQ, height, weight, color of hair and eyes. I thought some of you's who reads my blog might check it out. You are allowed to leave some answers blank if you don't know it. And at the end before you uncheck the box for some jury for you newsletter, pick your member name and password first than submit survey. Hope all of you let me know how much your worth!
OK, than I found this guys website www.dailydancer.com and he's a computer dork that made his blog by dancing where ever he is. Click here for video He does this stupidly funny dance in his living room to Whip It by devo and you guys have to check it out. You won't be sorry. If I know most of you, you will laugh your a-s off! I did!
A most satisfied Rambler
16 hours ago
3 ramblings of your own:
I'm glad you liked my blog. Thanks for linking me up!
The Dancing Guy is awesome...have you ever downloaded the Stars Wars Kid? aka SWK that is some funny shiiiit.
OMG, must take IQ test to increase networth...
As for the dancing guy, I know you want to hook me up with him, too bad he has a g/f, brutha is funny and there is nothing more attractive than that!
luvluv, the token white gurl
one of them is ana. the other is another blogger that has a funny blog that i wrote a comment to. You didn't find the dancer funny?
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