So tonight was finally the wedding for my cousin and my "new" cousin! This has been a trying week for all in the family, which most of the stress was on the wedding couple of course!
Today started off with finishing the wedding video to play at the reception. Took 2 hours longer than excepted which put a little cramp on things. Everyone in the family, (and I mean EVERYONE) had some sort of assignment/mission/goal that needed to be accomplished to make the little details of a wedding party go sucessfully. Everyone worked so hard tonight and did such a great great job!
My cousin Leigh was trying to care for her baby. (Thank goodness for mucho grande babysitters. Scary at one point, cause I don't know if we knew exactly who had him!), MC the wedding, get coordinated with her brother (groom) to see what he wanted done, host the party and make sure everyone was happy, take care of the baby, get coordinated with me so we could do the food thang...., and if I didn't already mention this, make sure the guests were happy.
With that to tie into the title. My best friend Ana agreed, (don't think we both knew what she was getting herself into) to help me with the buffet line. She was like the extra hand when both my hands were tied which was all night. She was dressed so pretty with nice Coach heels and within an hour, she was working the party in my slippers getting nasty dirty with all the Poi, Kulolo, and haupia and whatever other hawaiian food might have gotten on her. The fact that anyone sacrifices their sanity for 6-8 hours for you has gotta be family or the best friend.
On to the boyfriends. All the girl cousins have boyfriends. Every single one of them worked like a mofo. And I mean that affectionately! Sammy's boy ran food (burning and non burning) from the kitchen a mile away, took care of juice/water area, lifted heavy stuff if needed, and helped cut Haupia with the best friend Ana. Whew, Leigh's boy helped decorate our pillars in the reception area, lifted heavy stuff, endured his crazy woman, and took care of the baby when it was his turn. My boyfriend also was a rockstar. He did the AV stuff (side note to my boss who drove, from home, to get me a replacement projector when the one we had didn't work, so the wedding wasn't off without this little detail.), sweated profusely, lifted food with Sammys man, let me takeover his computer (which is a lot) for over a week now and put up with my crap. To all you boyfriends you are the absolute best....Also, my cousin's Kalani's girlfriend Rachel helped at the buffet line, which was not an expected thing as she was supposed to just be a guest, but she rocked the house serving her rice...kudos to you girl! Kalani better give you a back rub later!
Well, it's been a long day, long week and now things should calm down. It's all about returning everything to it's normal place mentally, physically and what ever elsecally!
Like the supermarket cashier told us, (we bought some beer after for home)
"Your family nice, mine, I sit like a princess until I gotta go home! You guys crazy or what?"
Yes lady! Yes we are.!
14 hours ago
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