Thank you ALL for participating last week with your answers to the question...
" Do you find it so hard to say "no" that you regularly do favors you do not want to do? If so, why?"
One of my favorite blogs to read is Lyndsay @ I Used To Be Witty and this is what she had to say:
To your question: I am a recovering yes-a-holic. I used to have a horrific time saying no, but got overcommitted, over anxious, and over stressed and realized I needed to start saying no and being okay with it. It's made my life 100 times easier!
Being part of this Welcomistas's group created by the wonderful ladies of The Secret is In The Sauce, I've got to be introduced to some great new blogs (while biting my nails, saying...but I have so many awesome blogs to read, can I find the room?).
One of these new blogs I went to welcome wagon it was Like A Valentine and one of her posts inspired this weeks question.
"What would you make/buy/have butler make for your absolute favorite meal? And if you could eat it with ANYONE, who would it be?"
Thanks Valentine! :)
And on your mark.
Get set.
(ahem and comment :)
16 hours ago
5 ramblings of your own:
Pizza. I love pizza. Hmmm..who would I eat it with??? I suppose....the Obamas. I'd love to have a real conversation with Barack and Michelle.
They cancelled Dead Like Me a couple years ago but I have both seasons and I watch them constantly.I always told my husband I wish I knew what ever happened to them. (I know they aren't real but I loved them) so when I saw this movie on a google ad pop up (fate) I ran upstairs and said "I told you they would be back!!)
Awww ... thanks for the linky love and for naming me one of your favorite blogs (blushes).
I would have to say that ANYTHING made by someone other than myself would be awesome. I take that back. Anything, except seafood, made b someone other than myself would be awesome.
This may sound incredibly selfish, but I'd like to eat by myself in peace and quiet. I don't want to share or get up ten billion times, just eat MY meal in quiet.
Just some Indian Food (NOT made by me) with my husband sounds pretty perfect. And maybe some churros from disneyland. Mmmmm.
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