The kid is in a chocolate bunny induced sleep slumber yelling "No, No, bunny...Stop."
(and yes, I wiped the chocolate off her face...what kind of mother do you think I am? Woof Woof, go lick it off real quick before someone checks Lil Ramblers face...go....good dog)
I had to work.
Daddy Rambler still on work trip.
My poor mother. She had Nana Duty.
She videotaped everything, cared for a very rambunctious 2 year old with enough energy to kick the Energizer Bunny's ass, and dealt with constant mommy call ins for a play by play on moments I was missing.
Nana Rambler said Lil Rambler was like this crazy tracker hunting eggs with her little cousins.
Words, heard while on phone with Nana Rambler during egg hunt, screamed/whined/spoken in child language:
No. Miiinneeee.
No, wait, me me me (my kid not gotten the word mine down totally)
Eggs?....Ewwww...ohhhh....chocolate....(or more like.....chdjhdhsighlwsdlate)...NICEEEE.
Mommmmmm, I only have two!!!
Lil Rambler, SHARE PLEASE.
Um, (Nana's Sister to Nana), we must hide eggs again, they were too fast. :)
Ages 2-4 so it worked a second time too.
I'm trying REAL hard to behave and not even look in her Easter goodie stash.
I saw photos of myself and swore not to eat until the skinny bitch in me comes screaming out yelling...FINALLY!!!
FINE, I'm putting the bowl of cereal down.
To finish typing this sentence.
When I'm done with it, me and the rescue team will come after YOU.
We're coming Skinny B....
P.S....Keep this guy in your thoughts....

22 ramblings of your own:
I freaking love lil rambler
Come for me Skinny B, Come for me... :) Ihave been waiting a LONG time for her. Today would be a great day!
Praying for Stellan...
I had to hide the bowl of Easter candy--from myself! I've already eaten almost half of the chocolate my kids got. : (
Aww. Yea, I had to hide the baskets from myself too, and my husband. I even bought myself some fat free cookies to eat IN PLACE! Lol. Love your blog.
And tell Skinny B to head this way too.. PLEASE!!
Great picture! She looks delicious!! Thank goodness for Nanas.
:-) The words that come out of your house sound a lot like ours too!
OOOh, that sweet chocolately face! Now I'm just feeling guilty that we completely "passed-over" Easter this year. Well, not sooo guilty. Besides, we used to take all our bunnies and melt them down anyhow, for fruit fondue ;-).
Haha! You crack me up. And, oh yeah, is it horrid that my little one dreamed about bunnies last night, too?
I am totally eating candy like it's going out of style.
I keep telling myself to stop, but I don't.
Good luck finding your inner skinny bitch and I'm sorry you had to work.
You are too funny! I love the bit about the skinny b!
I wish I had the will power to stay out of the stash. I use the excuse that he can't eat a lot of it because of his peanut allergy and some of it was made in a factory with nuts, sooooo.....
Yeah. I will put it down. Dang. You made me feel guilty.
Awww... What a good Nana for video taping it for you.
I heard the same thing at my house - fighting over the chocolate eggs. Only my girls are 16 and 14 YEARS old! And one now has a serious contusion on her forearm from the fall she took when her sister pushed her in a mad effort to get to an egg first. Remind me again why I'm still hiding eggs for these giant teenage girls. Oh, that's right, because they think it's fun!
easter baskets are my weakness. i no longer even try to pretend i am picking thru my childs basket, i just put out my own. it keeps magically getting filled, so i jsut keep putting it out every year:)
I made sure every bit of Easter candy was packed up with my son when he left. I had enough of it!
You are a better woman than I...the hollow bunny is my nemesis....and I lost...only, I really didn't, I pound over the weekend....DANG IT!!!
that messy kid in the photo looks a lot like Kai. Crazy! When I came home from work today, Kai had candy wrappers all over the floor and said, "mama, Yummy!".....She had gotten into the Easter basket from Granny Rae. Oh sweet L! Not one bit of Chocolate left in that basket..not one.
I live for snitching chocolate out of my kids' baskets.
Lil Rambler is TOO CUTE!!
I received 3 Lindt chocolate bunnies this weekend. Only 1 is left! Terrible!
Thanks for linking to me last week!
Saskia x
Your child quoted, word for word, what I say when there's chocolate in my house.
I'm with you on the dieting.
she is beautiful.
I love that chocolate face! Isn't it amazing how they can eat one M&M and get that much on them?
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