Thursday, April 02, 2009

Think About It Thursdays...#13...Who would you be?

Thank you to everyone who participated in #12's Think About It Thursday's question.

I found it ironic that I got into a situation of having to ask for help this past week. I don't normally like to have to ask for help. I'm the kind of girl that likes to keep my work life work. And my personal life personal. But they kind of had to collide a bit when my husband had to leave on 3 days notice for a 18 day work trip. We both work opposite schedules which help us with not having to pay for childcare.

The schedule that had been done at work, had to change. Calls to my mother to see if she had any vacation time to spare to help a daughter out. A "I'm-gonna-freak-out" call to my friend which resulted in a margarita session.

It was stressful, overwhelming and humbling all at the same time. Stressful, what do I do if they say no? Overwhelming, they ALL said whatever you need, whatever you need. Humbling, the insecure part of me got a nudge from the You.Are.Special part of me and said deal with it.

It was simple really. I had to ask for help. I had to. A lot of you commented how hard that was. And I couldn't have agreed more.

On to share some comments from others...

Shorty said...

Sometimes it is very easy for me to accept help, and other times I don't really want to accept it. I guess it is totally dependent on what I need help with and who is doing the helping.

I do ask for help from certain husband, my mom, my sis, my closest friends. People who I feel really close to and can tell if they genuinely are willing to help. But, its not always easy to do so. I can be quite prideful, but I like to think that I wouldn't let my pride get in the way if I was about to lose my house or not have food in the fridge or something devastating like that.

Then, there are some people that I would never want help from. People that have hurt me in the past, or people that I know don't truly care.

Shorty.....I couldn't ask someone that hurt me in the past either. Let me ask you this, though, what if they were the only one you could ask? Would you still?
Tooj said...

Those were wonderful selections to highlight. Thanks for putting them in a post. Sometimes I'm just in a hurry to comment (and then get back to work) so I don't take the time to read the other comments. :)

Asking for help was very difficult when I was younger. Now that I've hit 30(+1) and have 3 kids in the house, and have a hubby who demands that I designate duties....I've learned. And it feels good to rely on someone else. It builds a trust in others, and I think that's important as opposed to thinking you need to do it all yourself. Others ARE CAPABLE, if we only allow them.

So very true!! I've had to tell myself to do this more when I got promoted at work, becoming the person with a bigger workload and leading a team of managers.
Fiauna said...

It is so hard for me to ask for help, something that has caused me a lot of unnecessary drama. But when my daughter was having 30 seizures a day, my other three children needed a stable mommy, and my husband needed somewhere to rest his worries at the end of the day, I knew I needed to humble myself and ask for help. Now I'm much better at asking for help when realize I can't do it all on my own.

Oh Fiauna....Sometimes I feel like there's a woman inside me screaming for help but no one can hear her. Only way I've been able to soothe that woman was to ask for help. Baby steps...I tell steps.


I kept flipping back and forth. This question or that question. And I stumbled on this one and thought....why not?
Were you able to wake up tomorrow in the body of a different person, whom would you pick? And what would be the first thing you did as THAT person?

Rambler's answer:

My husband. First thing....let the wife sleep in, take the kid OUT for breakfast, and then to the park, and get it. Right?

Your turn.


22 ramblings of your own:

Tawnya Torres said...

I would say that I would want to wake up in my husbands body. My hubby suffers from PTSD and it would give me a whole new understanding and knowledge of what goes through his mind and what he thinks throughout the day. It would help me to write the book I want to write to help those that don't know or need to be educated about PTSD. I could help so many other people if I see his world through his eyes. I see it through my eyes only right now. I listen to what he tells me but that's all I can do. It's different when you experience it for yourself.

Funny in My Mind said...

Jennifer Aniston. She has a perfect body, and fabulous hair and I want to know how she really feels about the whole divorce situation. I would put something cute on and take my dogs to the beach and just live that life for a day. (no John Mayer, I pray)

MammaDucky said...

I'm with ya girl. Absolutely I'd want to be my husband. I would need to have his brain too, but still be able to remember it myself. Does that make sense? I need to see how it makes sense to him to sit there and do nothing while I fix dinner, entertain the kids, fold the laundry, and clean the house...all at the same time. He claims I never ask for help or that he doesn't know I need it. So yeah, I need to actually be him to understand that! P.S. Can I make him be me while I'm him????

Saskia said...

The Queen...

I'd love to know what she is REALLY like - I bet Prince Philip and she have a right old laugh behind closed doors!

Housewife Savant said...

I'd like to be Jillian Michaels IF I could still wake up next to my own MR.
What would I do?
Did I mention my own Mr.?

(If that's too Disgusting Pig, delete without hesitation.)

Anonymous said...

I'm with you. I would like to be my husband. Sleep in, read, get a home cooked meal without any work. And I would definitely want him to have to take my place. Let him see what it really feels like to be pregnant and running after a 2.5 year old and still doing all the work I have to do!

Pseudo said...

My husband and I worked oopposite shifts for child caare covenience too. Now I enjoy getting both time to myself and his beign home feeling special.

Glad you asked for help.

Amy said...

If I could be anyone it would be Oprah. And the first thing I'd do is go to the bank and transfer all that glorious green stuff into my account!

Anonymous said...

Not that my body is that great or anything, but I'm kind of attached to it. I just want to be me.

Fiauna said...

I loved your answer. That's a great one. If I had to choose to wake up in someone else's body, I guess I would choose my daughter. I would love to see what goes on in her mind. I would love to know what it feels like to be her. Then maybe I would know what to do to be a better parent for her. I think, if this actually happened, the first thing I would do is hug my mom and tell her I loved her.

Kalei said...
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Kalei said...

Winnie the Pooh....i know, it's kinda dorky....but really would be nice to "just be". Besides, all the kids love him, so he must be a good choice....

Fiauna took my original answer, but instead maybe i would choose to be lil rambler so i could be hug wrestle champion!

kel said...

I need to get that book.

I would pick.. um....angelina jolie and then I would roll over and make sweet sweet monkey love to Brad Pitt...

Amy McMean said...

I always say I want to be guy for one day. Parts and all. Just to see what it would be like. I don't need to be any certain guy just some dude on the street. But I also say I'm positive I wouldn't get anything done all day I'd be to busy with the parts. At least I'm honest.

Grand Pooba said...

That's a tough one! Well, I'd like to trade bodies with Mrs. Affleck and the first thing I would do is eat a big plate of pancakes with lots of butter and syrup!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I want to be Willy Wonka so I can play in the chocolate factory. I love your idea of switching with your hubby! He should do all those things for you no matter whose body he is in!!

Muppet Soul said...

I'm going to be completely shallow and say Anjelina Jolie.

Girls got a lot of money and a gorgeous husband, and it would hurt to get to have sex with myself.

OliveStreetStudio said...

My gut reaction was 'my husband' and then I see it is the choice of our Rambler host among others! I'm TOTALLY with you MammaDucky - I don't understand how he can laze on the couch for hours and not even think to ask to help with any basic household chores - or how he cannot take the 5 minutes to scrub a toilet bowl and eradicate the mold colony (it grosses me out but one time I wanted to see IF he would clean it - I sucuumbed to the scrubber).

jmt said...

ICK, not my hubby's body. I'd feel like an elephant stomping around. LOL I hate the way he walks so heavy-footed.

Let's see...I'd like to 4 year old. He's got so much energy, that would feel GREAT. Just for a day. Being a boy can't be THAT much fun. Can it?

Michele R said...

I would choose Nicole Kidman....and then I'd look in the mirror and smile and laugh and then see how hard it was to make a natural face, and then I would be glad to have my wrinkles back!

Amy said...

As much as I would LOVE to have a fit sexy svelt body for a day...

I think I'd choose to be Hubs instead. Because like others have said, there are SO many times when I just don't understand him at all, and I would really like to.

Agreed, I think he should try being me for a day too.

Alex the Girl said...

Okay, so I can't narrow this down to just one choice, multiple choice will have to do.

1. Husband: Seriously, though, if I make him do the things I do in one day, if I were the one in his body, then he'd enjoy being me, now, wouldn't he?

2. Vin Disel: But then I'd stand in front of the mirror all day covering my body with baby oil, and reading outloud. (swoon)

3. My nine month old son: So I can find out just what is so fascinating about the ceiling fan.