Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Where my brain went while sitting in traffic.

Sitting in my car waiting in traffic. Trying to get to a work out I didn't really want to do.

Texting people from work, Real Life Diet buddy on my status of snail crawl speed my Explorer was making, my mother, blah, blah, blah. (Look it was a LONG drive to the park of I'll make your feet hurt)

For some reason I went back in time and chuckled a bit on how much my not so tech savvy self has come.

I start with me being introduced to my mothers Hewlett Packard Computer that had about 1/18th the memory my current computer has. (Don't ask me...I'm not into the 800 gig this, 1,000,000 mb whatever that).

I had discovered AOL. And it's wondrous thing...Instant Messaging and Email. I couldn't wait to get home everyday and turn on the HP and wait 5 minutes for it to warm up and come alive. Oh glorious times.

Then I bugged the holy crap out of my mother to puhleassseeeeee purchase the newest and latest gizmo for teens and young 20 somethings. It was no longer the thing for the telephone repair guys to have hooked to their work belts.

My Beegeesus...the numbers that could spell messages! I couldn't live without this thing! And the oh so cool colors like transparent (so you could see how marvelous it was inside??). I was cleaning a work drawer and found one the other day and I stared at it like it was completely foreign to me. I don't even think I would remember how to operate it.

The high school to right after high school boyfriend had moved to Japan for wrestling (WWF style but Japan style) and we racked up the phone bill past my mothers boiling point. His calls came when he could get a moment through his workouts and strict house rules of being focused on wrestling. Sometimes I'd miss them. Oh, the pain. The agony. The roll of my mothers eyes.

We were perusing through Radio Shack and low and behold. A phone that you didn't need to be plugged into my kitchen wall. One that could be taken IN the car...hooked up to the fricking lighter thing....WOW. I don't know how, but we walked out of there with it. My mother. The single mom just trying to survive 3 daughters.
It came with it's own backpack. Everyone knew I had it. I wanted everyone to know i had it. We all wanted everyone to know we all had it. It served it's purpose. You big beautiful phone you.

I snap back to sitting back in my car. I chuckle as I cradle my sweet Boyphone and tell it we've come such a long way.

31 ramblings of your own:

Anonymous said...

I am with you on this one.

I sent my first email in college.

Mrs. M said...

Haha! I had one of those huge cell phones!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I sooo remember the pager. Never had one though...just drooled over them. It was THE thing to have.
ANd I remember the big carphones with the backpack. One of my mom's friend's had one and I thought he was it. The funny thing is the darn plan was so expensive that you never wanted to make a call.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Sandy said...

My former boss had a backpack phone. I still chuckle over her carrying that thing around. Hehe!

Anonymous said...

I can remember our first computer. We had AOL. I was so excited when the man said, "You've Got Mail!"

I had a transparent pager in light blue. Those were the days. I can remember being grounded from the phone so my best friend and I paged each other repeatedly in code. My mom finally caught on. All she could do was laugh because the messages were getting harder and harder to crack.

Furry Bottoms said...

LOL my first computer, you couldn't do ANYTHING on it except write reports. It was monochrome-- black with green letters on the screen. You could not do anything at all! Then I got a new computer a COLOR one that I was so completely mesmerized with. AOL too! I remember when people would think you were a drug dealer or a doctor if you had a pager like that. Those were the funny days! :)

Mammatalk said...

Ah, memories. I remember when email was first explained to me. I thought..."Well, why don't you just call??"

Pseudo said...

We had one of those brick cell phones. It stayed under the seat of my van when I commuted from Ewa to Hawaii Kai five nights a week back in the day. (yeah - only you Rambler will know what that means ; -)

jineen said...

your comment to me on my post about people pleasing meant so much! i am in week # 2 of being in control and i am LOVING it! thankyou so much for your support! and thanks for tagging me too!

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

LOL.... I remember the "brick phone" and I had one of those cool trasparent beepers.
Gee... We sure have come a long way.

Anonymous said...

Aw christ!~ Thanks for this. Like I needed to remember how old I am. The thing is that it really has been only within the last 10 years. But why does it feel like an eternity ago!

Unknown said...

My step-dad had a cell back in the late 80s for the military and he was the only person I knew that had one. And when I was in college, a couple of my friends had those phones in their car that resembled what the military used in Vietnam (those enormous heavy boxes).

Shorty said...

You've come a long way, Baby! Ok, gross old cigarette ad reference, sorry. But, I'm with you. Thinking back to the devices we used to cart around and thought we were cool with...sheesh! Thank God for the iPhone and I'm sooo looking forward to future Mac inventions!

mo.stoneskin said...

Is that really your hand? I mean, that is a VERY white background...

Hilarious phone picture, it is a beast, a total beast!

The Blonde Duck said...

I feel so old now!

Heather said...

Hah ... oh my!! Sounds just about like my history with technology. Man, our pager number to word language. I can't believe how many messages we could create with just numbers. Amazing!

lagirl said...

You thought of all that while in traffic?!! And to think I do well to just sorta sing along with the radio!

Amy McMean said...

i'm the lease text savy person I know. Thank god my comptuer is usually on at work when i get there or i would just sit there whacking the side of it.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Great post, I remember the shoe box phone used to go for $1000 large.

MammaDucky said...

My sister totally had a blue transparent pager. I was super jealous!
I miss Oregon Trail. Is that TOOO outdated?

Kalei said...

that Gi-Normous car phone only cost mom a penny. I remember, cause i was there.

but on a side note....you and your boyphone make me jealous.....

Mrs4444 said...

I'm due for a new phone. How do you like it? Any regrets?

Housewife Savant said...

I am so NOT tech savvy.
My gadgets are the boss o' me.
It's high-waist pants embarrassing. THAT'S how bad it is.

I posted the crap outta "Thanks" to you for tagging me. Stop by.

Unknown said...

You had the Zack Morris cell phone! Classic.

I love my ipod as well!

Shawn said...

Loved those old pictures----awesome!

And what is a Boyphone?

Its cool, anywho....

The Demigoddess said...

I remember the first time I saw a cellphone maybe ten years ago. It was humongous! It looked like a dinosaur and while everyone envied the girl who had one, I wondered how I could ever fit the phone into my bag.

Aubrey said...

I don't remember any of...these...items. Yeah...that's my story!

Brittany said...

Aren't we a "between the cracks" generation?!

I was 18 when I get my first computer. I felt like hot stuff, as most of my friends did not have one yet!

The first computer class that I took was in college... and, it was ONLINE!

I also had a pager, and now I am coveting an iPhone as badly as I did that annoying pager!

BTW, I have a friendship award for you on my blog.
I have nominated you because you are always so thoughtful and friendly when you comment! :)

Lora said...

amazing isn't it!
Visiting you from SITS--have a great day!

Dr Zibbs said...

Look at that big ass phone! I think it was called the Brick.

jmt said...

that big honker of a phone will always affectionately be remembered as Zack Morris' phone from Saved By The Bell.