You know what time it is.
Lets recap some comments from last week's Face Transplant Question.
WHAT?! He only got seven years?
*Note to self: look up that douche bag's address*
I would imagine this will make her life SOOO much easier. Still difficult, but easier.
As for the donor family I would hope that they are pleased that their loved one's passing was able to give this woman a second chance. Plus, it's not like she's going to LOOK like the donor. Well, at least that's what I've gathered. - Right. Seven Years? WTF! I was wondering about how much the face still 'looks' like it's original 'owner'.
Identity is so much to do with what we look like, but it shouldn't be. It's what's inside each of us that makes us who we are. That lady with the face transplant will still see out of the same eyes as before. I could go through with a face transplant and I would be happy if any of my family donated their face to help someone after their death. I am on the organ donor list. My husband does not share my view that my body is just my shell. What a thought-provoking topic.
I agree with your view on identity. I think this is why I had such a conundrum going on in my noggin on how I really felt about this. But in the end...YOU are correct. We shall always look through our same eyes. With a deeper sense of self.
The lady said she "forgave him" also. Then they asked what she felt about him getting out in 7 years..."lets not go there".....That guy deserves to be shot in the pee pee hole then be offered a spot on the pee pee transplant list, just to be told "I'm sorry, but not one man is willing to donate THAT organ.
Tonight this question was a topic around closing time at Ramblers work. And I just knew I wanted it to be OUR topic to this weeks Think About It Question.
"If you could pick a childhood age (infant - 18) you could go back to and give yourself ONE bit of advice, what AGE and what's your ONE bit of wisdom you want to tell yourself?"

First of all, I'm an organ donor. It would be hard to see the face of someone I love on someone else, but I'd be ok with it knowing it could save someone else's life, figuratively speaking. If I needed a face transplant, I'd certainly consider it.
That lady's husband should be rotting in jail for the rest of his life. Grrr!