I was perusing through blogland and stumbled on Vodkamom's blog and saw this video she posted a couple of days ago.
I love watching the ones where some random place has a zillion regular people doing a random choreographed dance to a song. This particular song always makes me smile. At some point at least a couple of times a year, you might catch me humming it.
In fact, this movie bonded me to my grandfather. Two people, related, but not really 'connected'. And this movie gave us a connection of being our favorite. And maybe it's why I loved this movie even more. Because I will always have THIS connection. Or whatever that corny saying..."We'll always have this dance.." is.
Today just brought me back to some things that I hadn't 'forgotten' but hadn't thought about in a while. And when the memory is connected somehow to my father, a range of emotions flood me. Sometimes it's happy and warm and I can go about my day.
Other times I find myself in a startling reminder of realizing he isn't physically with me. Even though, come this January, it will be 17 years.
Half my life is coming up without him not being in it. How did time move so fast but feel like an eternity at the same time?
I spoke with a man about the Big Island (Hawaii) today at work. It was the last place I had lived with my dad. Memories of the things/places/people we spoke of brought a smile to my heart. It had been a while since I had thought of these cobwebbed pieces of a long ago life.
I often wonder about the unfinished life that might have been had he not died. Some days, I let my mind wander far down it's path. Those are the hard days that feels like life is punching me in the guts. When life told me my dad's time was up.
But I know better.
Everything has it's reasons. Any ONE thing in my life that would be different, ultimately would change where I am today.
And where I am today, is being my beautiful daughters mother. That always brings me back.
The ONE thing I am most certain of in my life.
Forgive the tangent today. It's the song and the innocent conversation with a stranger.
It triggered me today and made the memories stir.
6 hours ago
22 ramblings of your own:
I like the stirring of the memories. This is a terrific post.
wow. GREAT post. i'm a card-carrying member of the dead dads club too. it's been 12 years and feels like yesterday. you put my thoughts into words. thank you for that and for stirring my memories today. you rock.
Love this post. I love the "cobwebbed" pieces. Cool.
Loved you sunday post - it reminds us to appreciate the moments we have with the people we love.
Sometimes it's good to surrender to our memories. I think it's neat that you have such a connection to your Dad through this song. My girls sat here with me and watched this as "The Sound of Music" is one of our favorite musicals.
What a touching thoughtful post. Maybe it is that time of the month, but watching the video made me so 'joyful' and reading the post, so 'sad' that I actually started crying.
Hi there! Thanks for sharing the comment love! Love your blog, the video, and being your SITSta! Hope to see you around!
Thanks for this. I love the video.
Sometimes it is good to be melancholic my dear... life does happen certain ways for certain reasons and there is no doubt in my mind that he is looking down on you and your beautiful family and oh-so proud to see how far and strong you have become :)
These memories are blessings, as hard as they may be to bring back.
Thank you for the beautiful "short hair" compliment you paid me on my post - you are the sweetest!
Abiding with you as your remember your sweet Dad, taken too soon.
Your daughter is blessed as are we with your sharing of your love of Lil' Ramblerina.
The Big Island is a special, sacred place which once you visit where always stay with you.
I think our family's favorite place in the world is the Ohia Hideaway near Volcano Village. Thank you for bringing up a happy memory for me.
It seems that certain songs do trigger certain memories. You hear a song and are transported to another time and all those same feelings, smells, and thoughts...Memories are a gift, even though sometimes a somewhat painful gift. I think your Father is honored by you remembering him. We all hope to be "remembered", don't we?
Beautiful words. Love memories---they are windows into someones soul.
I have always said Garth Brook's song unanswered prayers should be my theme song! So glad that God has had a bigger better plan for my life than what has asked for!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Would love for you to visit ANY time!=)
This was so cool! I loved it! Thanks for stopping by my blog. i'm following you!
Come visit me again and take a look at my FIRST GIVEAWAY! http://maxedmom.blogspot.com/2009/08/my-first-giveaway-woo-hoo.html
It's ironic how simple things like videos and innocent conversations can trigger such emotional thoughts. Thanks for letting us in.
What a wonderful post. Memories are the most precious things one can have. I hope I never lose my memory - either by accident or by old age.
I'd love to have you drop by my place: Life Makes Me Laugh
That's such a cute video!
It's hard to believe but everything, even the bad, bring about good things. And you are right, if you dad was still here today, you'd not be where you are or who you are. It's hard but it's the reality of it :o)
Thanks for stopping by SITSta!
I remember the time he cut off the top of the "pine"-like tree at the side of the green house. He did it with the handsaw after it had fallen down in a storm or something else. When it was dragged into the house, the poor tree was like 3 feet too tall, and we let it dangle there turned at the ceiling and instead of placing the topper on the tree we hooked something to it to it, dangling there. I remember it because it was funny, and he was too tired to fix it. =)
Memories are a good thing. :) I hope that you relish in the happy. I, too, do the same thing sometimes and wonder about "what ifs" and realize I wouldn't be HERE if something back then would have occurred....and on and on and on. :) Happy Wednesday.
OK - that video clip is amazing. I missed that at vodkamom's. I still have both my parents and could not imagine the hole that must be there for you. You are right that changing any one thing would change who you are at this moment. And it sounds like who you are is a good thing.
If I gave hugs (you can ask the other girls about how bad I am), I'd give you one. I'm so sorry you lost your dad at such a young age.
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