I will tell you a short story about a woman and her husband.
Its Thanksgiving Day, as this woman and her husband depart for festivities at a family friends home that she hadn't been to in a while. The woman loves to bake and has made sure to pack her customary Pumpkin Pie.
They park their car, they make their way into the home.
Hello here, Hello there....lots of people they didn't recognize....I'll just go into the kitchen and put my pie down and prepare it for serving later on thinks the woman....say hello to more people in the kitchen...say how she loves what they've done with the place....
The husband is in the living room making friends, introducing himself as Baker Woman's husband....he notices that his sister in law and their family is not in attendance yet. The husband mentions to someone that he is SISTER in Law's brother in Law (are you following me?).
Looks of confusion happen.
Them: "(Insert Sister In Laws Name)???"
Them again: "Whose house are you going to?"
The husband: "(Insert Thanksgiving Hosts' Name)?"
Them: (giggle.giggle) "They live NEXT DOOR!"
The husband calls to his wife in the kitchen: "Honey...we are at the wrong house!"
Baker's Wife realizes their mistake...packs up her pie, wishes them all a good Thanksgiving and leaves.
This is a true story.
The people...are my parents.
Yes. My mother and Stepfather.
I would have given a zillion bucks to be at our family friends house when they walked in and heard the story then.
The neighbors were actually good friends of the house my parents were going to so they were very nice about them coming in and making themselves at home.
I cried hearing about it from my favorite family gossip (aka...my sister cousin from another mother) the next day...and again when repeating it to my husband...and again just typing this story.
And if my two REAL sisters would pick up the phone so I can continue our little coconut wireless gossip line I will probably pee my pants.
And how was YOUR Thanksgiving?
Oh and a special shout out to my husband as he celebrates another year of life on this planet. 34 baby. Now I'm not the old lady anymore....well I'm YOUR old lady...you know what I mean.
Heart You.
8 hours ago
44 ramblings of your own:
Fantastic. I was chatting to a friend this weekend and he and his wife actually sat through half of the wrong Christening when they got the wrong church!
What a funny story! Happy bday to your hubs and I hope you guys have a wonderful celebration.
i LOVE it!
thanksgiving dinner with family and friends? lovely.
thanksgiving dinner with total strangers that you THINK are family and friends? priceless.
I love this story. Can picture the whole thing.
Hope you had a great thanksgiving.
Haha! What a great story! Thanksgiving around here was HOT, and my stuffing didn't turn out so I was a bit disappointed, but nonetheless, it was a great fattening day!
Happy B-day to your hubs!!
YES! AWESOMENESS!!! Hahahaha, I love it! That is classic. Thanks for the post-holiday laughs!!
A gem of a story! Love it. You should submit to Reader's Digest...
Ha, ha, ha, I love your folks.
My Thanksgiving, oy vey!
Happy Birthday to your hubby!
Hahahahaha Oh Rambler, you always make my day!!! I was laughing so hard!!! I'm still laughing. :)
That is priceless!!
Too, too funny. My mom is just like that. Instant friends, everywhere.
My favorite Thanksgiving story is when my sister-in-law said, "I've packed my old maternity clothes. I think they will fit you."
I'm a size six. ?????
Well, that take the pie.
Best Thanksgiving story of the year.
HAHAHA!! That sounds like something out of National Lampoon! How funny!! At least no one had started eating the pie yet...
O.M.G.! LMAO ROFL and all the other abbreviations. That is HI-larious! (I'm so glad i' tweren't me!)
That is just so completely preposterous and funny because it should never happen but yet it did!
What a fantastic story...best story ever!
OMG! Hilarious!
Oh MY HECK!! That cracks me SOOO up!!! That reminds me of my father-in-law who had to use the bathroom at the movie theater, and when he was washing his hands AFTER HE HAD FINISHED, he looked weirdly at the woman standing next to him and said.."I think you may be in the wrong bathroom"...She let him know otherwise...!!! Wow...are we going to be parents like that someday??!!! Too Funny!!
best. thanksgiving. story. ever. EVER!
hey.........that was my house!
we tried to be nice but when they started packing up the pie we got a tad hostile
; )
Too funny to be true! I love it!
Oh my word. I cannot express to you how much I loved this story!
This used to happen at my old house all of the time! My house and my neighbors house looked exact! But we were on different levels of the street, so I could never figure out why their family couldn't remember they were the last house on the street.
Andddd, this happened to us also when we went for Turkey dinner at my bro-in-law's mom's house. The neighbor walked in looking for his daughter. Luckily the mom knew who he was and it was no big deal. But no matter what the it's always embarrassing for that person!
That's amazing! LOL What is going on in our culture? Suburbia creates all these houses that look the same, but that is fantastic that people who have few relations are still civil and good-natured to others :)
That is hilarious!
OMG that is too funny! I did the same thing when I was 17. My mom was living in an apartment on the 3rd floor. I went to visit her and walked right into the apartment. The thing is that I was on the 2nd floor. I didn't say a word, just turned around and ran out.
ha ha ha! made me laugh! a great story - and i needed a laugh after the weeks I've had. :-) Hapy December!
Dear Rambler....although mom is mortified that you have told the story to the entire planet earth, she too is rolling on the floor in histerics! She wanted to say explitives to me, but was at work so only had the "Oh! hahaha" when I teased her for it. Wish I was there....but wait, I think I remember someone walking into the wrong apt of an elderly woman a few floors above ours in the King tower apts? and not saying anything to her, only running out? THAT was funny too.
Like mom like daughter!
Can I tell you that mom read this and then she went to read the comments, but read the wrong comments about the "crazy FBI lady" she said she was thinking how mean every one was being about "her" situation.....this takes additional cake to the story! Hahaha!
Especially the comment thread that said this:
"That is insane!! I wonder if she was really crazy or just REALLLLY tryin' to get a free meal. Crazy lady."
too funny! triple mortification!
That would totally be me.
Too funny to be true! I love it!
Work From Home india
That is an awesome story. I'm glad they remembered to take the pie with them when they left.
So funny---I think that I would have had the dinner before moving on---or had them make me a plate to go---heh, heh...
Sorry I haven't been around for a while---been so swamped! Hopefully I will get back on track!
What a fantastic story!
This is HILARIOUS! And SO something that would happen in my family!
My bloggy digs are joining the blogger ranks! Hope you'll follow me on over...
It won't be the same without the Rambler!
This is HILARIOUS! And SO something that would happen in my family!
My bloggy digs are joining the blogger ranks! Hope you'll follow me on over...
It won't be the same without the Rambler!
That is absolutely hilarious! I love it. I can definitely see my parents doing something similar...only they would have emptied out the bar first!
Holy Guacamole, Bat Man! I've shown up with little ones to birthday parties on the wrong day, but never the wrong house. Can you say "preoccupied"?
SNL has Tiger by the Tale...
Follow Faux Pas...I asked you to follow me meanwhile I never followed YOU! *blushing* please forgive my oversight. will rectify now.
You must come back to us!
Too funny!!!
I hope you guys have a wonderful celebration.
Work from home India
That's too funny!!! I was happy to hear at the end of the story that it wasn't you. :)
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