It's time for Not Me Mondays created by the brilliant MckMama. Have you checked out her photography? They are so NOT holy Wow. Seriously NOT. :)
I did NOT work many many days in a row. (grumble mumble) I was so unNOTmotivated on Friday. Last day of work before Saturday's day off.
OMG....did I tell you all....I so did NOT have my first SPA fricking DAY! On Saturday!
OK, it wasn't a full spa day, but I totally did NOT have my first ever paid massage. One hour of complete heaven. It was NOT to celebrate BFF DEE's bridal shower party day.
Rambler's Checklist for spa.
Shave legs and armpits. Check.
Take shower. Check.
Do hair. Check. (just made me feel pretty)
New Spa clothes. Check. (Idk. Just felt necessary)
Pretty panties to be worn while getting massage. CHECK. (I'm still a new mom....who knows sometimes what we wear. I gotta get my crap together.)
No eating of fart producing foods. Check. (cross fingers)
We totally did NOT have a great time.
I totally did NOT almost fart. (Don't push there, don't push there...uh, yeah it hurts, that's right)I saved it for the car ride. Actually when I closed the car door and waved to my other BFF. Cheesy SMILE.We did NOT have a wonderful time at lunch afterwards (the massage and the farting). It was a combo of our monthly girls day out thing. Next month will be her wedding. What a girls day out that will be!
I did NOT also get a great friend to come to my house and cut loads of inches off. THANK.YOU.STERF.
Oh....and my mother did NOT get eloped on Friday, March 20. You sneaky lady you!
Yeah. My weekend did NOT so rock! (knee down on ground with hands in air with some kind of hand signal stating I'm the sheesnack.)

25 ramblings of your own:
I am NOT glad you had a good weekend! Wait, was that rude?- I'm confused- you know what I mean :)
jealous of the spa weekend......
where are you in the photo? Didn't you love the massage? I always feel like Jello Woman the rest of the day. And your mom eloped? Now you have to buy 2 wedding gifts, huh? It sounds like you had a great weekend, farts included.
This was great; I enjoyed my morning visit with you!
i have never been to the spa..or done a massage. i am jealous!!!! so glad you did NOT have a great spa day.
Terrible weekend, eh? hehe.
Oh, and thanks for welcoming me to SITS.
I am so NOT Jealous!!
You and your friends are BEAUTIFUL!!!
When I had my one (and only) paid massage - we had people living with us (husband's family). Their teenage daughter kept wearing my underwear (gross gross gross). So - I took a sharpie and put my name in big block letters on the back in black. I forgot my name was on my underware until the massage guy snorted.
I'm glad you did NOT have such a great day off!
Sounds like a great - wait, I mean not great...oh hell. This is why I can't do these posts. It's like a tongue twister for my hurts me.
Massage - good
friends - cute
holding in the fart - priceless
nevermind, I read back to all your posts and figured out who you are
I am GREEN wiht envy! Hey...I'm doing my first giveway...just leave me your favorite phrase or quote to enter.
I'm NOT glad you had a great weekend. I'm so NOT NOT the spa kind of girl. I'm so NOT wishing I could be you for a minute.
I am SO jealous... except for the farting thing that is!
That sounds like a great Saturday!
You're NOT funnY!
Which one is you? WHICH ONE IS YOU???
I must know if I'm to fully stalk you.
Also on that note, I'll give you a free massage baby. Wooooah yeah.
I've never had a paid massage - I keep thinking this is something I need to try.
PS - what is a spa outfit?
That sounds like you had the best time...jealous!!!!And you got all pampered and primped! Lucky girl!
You are too funny. I wrote a post about forgetting to shave my legs for a pedicure. So embarrassing. I'm glad you remembered to check everything off your list.
Good work on the fart holding. :) Relaxation and getting pushed on can really work the bubbles around.
I am so NOT jealous of your spa day and monthly girls day out. Nope. NOT me!
LOL on the holding it in until you're in the car!! Massages really are the best though, right? Aaaahhhh... I want one right now! What a fun bridal party idea. I totally did NOT get my NOT me's up today. I cheated and posted about MckMama's baby instead... BTW, thanks for your comment on my Dora Rant last week! Come by this week and enter my awesome “Support Our Troops Giveaway”!
PS - I bestow gifts, pixies, faerie dust! I am the potty-mouthed Santa claus! Go see my blog!
I'm so glad you had such a great weekend! It seems like everyone did... I had the best one I've had in a while :-)
I'm so envious. That sounds awesome.
And kudos to Mama for running away and getting married!
Haha! Good Not Me Monday post.
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