I will tell you a short story about a woman and her husband.
Its Thanksgiving Day, as this woman and her husband depart for festivities at a family friends home that she hadn't been to in a while. The woman loves to bake and has made sure to pack her customary Pumpkin Pie.
They park their car, they make their way into the home.
Hello here, Hello there....lots of people they didn't recognize....I'll just go into the kitchen and put my pie down and prepare it for serving later on thinks the woman....say hello to more people in the kitchen...say how she loves what they've done with the place....
The husband is in the living room making friends, introducing himself as Baker Woman's husband....he notices that his sister in law and their family is not in attendance yet. The husband mentions to someone that he is SISTER in Law's brother in Law (are you following me?).
Looks of confusion happen.
Them: "(Insert Sister In Laws Name)???"
Them again: "Whose house are you going to?"
The husband: "(Insert Thanksgiving Hosts' Name)?"
Them: (giggle.giggle) "They live NEXT DOOR!"
The husband calls to his wife in the kitchen: "Honey...we are at the wrong house!"
Baker's Wife realizes their mistake...packs up her pie, wishes them all a good Thanksgiving and leaves.
This is a true story.
The people...are my parents.
Yes. My mother and Stepfather.
I would have given a zillion bucks to be at our family friends house when they walked in and heard the story then.
The neighbors were actually good friends of the house my parents were going to so they were very nice about them coming in and making themselves at home.
I cried hearing about it from my favorite family gossip (aka...my sister cousin from another mother) the next day...and again when repeating it to my husband...and again just typing this story.
And if my two REAL sisters would pick up the phone so I can continue our little coconut wireless gossip line I will probably pee my pants.
And how was YOUR Thanksgiving?
Oh and a special shout out to my husband as he celebrates another year of life on this planet. 34 baby. Now I'm not the old lady anymore....well I'm YOUR old lady...you know what I mean.
Heart You.
Monday, November 30, 2009
So a woman walks into a house.....
Typed Feverishly by The Rambler 44 ramblings of your own
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Knock Knock...Paranoia here...(again)
Okay...so for some reason I posted this Monday but it didn't 'show' up in anyone's reader and as I need gratification from you all I 'reposted' a repost...I'm pathetic...I know.
I originally posted this a year ago....when only family members read this blog. (tear, now I can barely get them to remember my blog title....oh, the horror)
And as I don't have any creativity to breathe new life into a post...I thought I'd pull one from the back of the blog bookcase.
Bloggy people...Meet Me, Me meet bloggy people.
Some see it as being over protective.
Some say it's not being educated properly about the subject.
Others tell me I'm an OVER worrier.
And some tell me to pull my big girl panties on and snap out of it.
No, I'm serious. I'm a closet Paranoidee...is that a word?
I think since I've become a mother, my Paranoid spidey senses have picked it up a notch to a higher level of insaneness.
I can't stand it sometimes but the feeling sneaks up and I can't shake it until I get to my final destination/or completion of what I'm doing.
My kid was born and I realized for the first time in my life it's not just about me. In fact, it's mostly all about her. And it freaked me out.
My greatest fear is not being around for her because of a mistake of either my doing or someone moron who's being ridiculously reckless. Not the dying part, the part of her not having a mother does a number on my insides. (OK, well a little about the dying part).
I dive into that fear pretty deep and it's hard to swim out sometimes.
When we left the hospital with her, I remember annoying the bee-jeezus out of my husband. First her car seat straps were on too tight, than too loose, I don't think the seat is secure enough, than the car that was on the level below us was coming too fast (like, faster than the snail too fast!), than why don't we just take the long, NON highway home route?, OK OK, I'll shut up. Or more like we both just stopped answering each other.
That's when it began. I was a little too literal when my pediatrician told me to be careful the first month in taking baby out. I mean I walked with her and the dog around our townhouse complex.......until I slipped one day and convinced myself I made her lose some brain cells, despite the doctors stamp of approval (???) that she was fine along with the nurse and the other nurse and the other doctors partner.
I'm a very slow driver.
I think cars drive to fast, I think my husband drives too fast, everyone on the freeway feels like they are first time drivers that just got out of NASCAR. Don't they all realize I carry precious cargo? Does it not phase them?
I'm the paranoid delusional that thinks the red car in the far left lane 10 cars behind is driving 4 miles OVER the speed limit and will cause a 15 car pile up involving myself.
This is my life inside. I don't share it with others because they'll think I need to put on a jacket or something with mental restraints. I constantly have arguments with myself. There's the laid back me and the freaked out version of me trying to rationalize why each other is right.
Like the time I told myself I could do the ocean.
I can't, maybe my toes are okay, maybe if it's a good day I'll go to my waist, wait...was that a shadow in the water...do sharks come this close to shore? I start to go through the Rolodex of clippings in my memory newspaper and pull out random shark sightings and convince myself it's from that morning I'm suuuurrreee they are still here. I will be that stupid lady swimming alone in the water not hearing the lifeguard scream to get out.
I mean, did you watch Shark Week on Discovery Channel??? Duh!
Whew, this has been somewhat therapeutic for me....a little flake has been chipped off this statue of fear. Maybe I'll stop now before some that know me start dialing the 1-800-Help-my-friend line.
Sigh...it's rough being a paranoid me.
***I ran across this mans blog with his artwork and really enjoyed it. I liked that he said he was cool with allowing others to download his work as it was a great way for others to see what he does. Some will like it, some will say WHAT?, but if you do, hope you check out his site. www.gapingvoid.com.***

Typed Feverishly by The Rambler 17 ramblings of your own
Monday, November 23, 2009
knock, knock. Who's there....Paranoia here! (Yes, this is a repeat...don't hate)
I originally posted this a year ago....when only family members read this blog. (tear, now I can barely get them to remember my blog title....oh, the horror)
And as I don't have any creativity to breathe new life into a post...I thought I'd pull one from the back of the blog bookcase.
Bloggy people...Meet Me, Me meet bloggy people.
Some see it as being over protective.
Some say it's not being educated properly about the subject.
Others tell me I'm an OVER worrier.
And some tell me to pull my big girl panties on and snap out of it.
No, I'm serious. I'm a closet Paranoidee...is that a word?
I think since I've become a mother, my Paranoid spidey senses have picked it up a notch to a higher level of insaneness.
I can't stand it sometimes but the feeling sneaks up and I can't shake it until I get to my final destination/or completion of what I'm doing.
My kid was born and I realized for the first time in my life it's not just about me. In fact, it's mostly all about her. And it freaked me out.
My greatest fear is not being around for her because of a mistake of either my doing or someone moron who's being ridiculously reckless. Not the dying part, the part of her not having a mother does a number on my insides. (OK, well a little about the dying part).
I dive into that fear pretty deep and it's hard to swim out sometimes.
When we left the hospital with her, I remember annoying the bee-jeezus out of my husband. First her car seat straps were on too tight, than too loose, I don't think the seat is secure enough, than the car that was on the level below us was coming too fast (like, faster than the snail too fast!), than why don't we just take the long, NON highway home route?, OK OK, I'll shut up. Or more like we both just stopped answering each other.
That's when it began. I was a little too literal when my pediatrician told me to be careful the first month in taking baby out. I mean I walked with her and the dog around our townhouse complex.......until I slipped one day and convinced myself I made her lose some brain cells, despite the doctors stamp of approval (???) that she was fine along with the nurse and the other nurse and the other doctors partner.
I'm a very slow driver.
I think cars drive to fast, I think my husband drives too fast, everyone on the freeway feels like they are first time drivers that just got out of NASCAR. Don't they all realize I carry precious cargo? Does it not phase them?
I'm the paranoid delusional that thinks the red car in the far left lane 10 cars behind is driving 4 miles OVER the speed limit and will cause a 15 car pile up involving myself.
This is my life inside. I don't share it with others because they'll think I need to put on a jacket or something with mental restraints. I constantly have arguments with myself. There's the laid back me and the freaked out version of me trying to rationalize why each other is right.
Like the time I told myself I could do the ocean.
I can't, maybe my toes are okay, maybe if it's a good day I'll go to my waist, wait...was that a shadow in the water...do sharks come this close to shore? I start to go through the Rolodex of clippings in my memory newspaper and pull out random shark sightings and convince myself it's from that morning I'm suuuurrreee they are still here. I will be that stupid lady swimming alone in the water not hearing the lifeguard scream to get out.
I mean, did you watch Shark Week on Discovery Channel??? Duh!
Whew, this has been somewhat therapeutic for me....a little flake has been chipped off this statue of fear. Maybe I'll stop now before some that know me start dialing the 1-800-Help-my-friend line.
Sigh...it's rough being a paranoid me.
***I ran across this mans blog with his artwork and really enjoyed it. I liked that he said he was cool with allowing others to download his work as it was a great way for others to see what he does. Some will like it, some will say WHAT?, but if you do, hope you check out his site. www.gapingvoid.com.***
Typed Feverishly by The Rambler 11 ramblings of your own
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I swear I don't make this stuff up...
Some of you know I run a restaurant in Waikiki.
Sometimes, this brings forth interesting tales that make it to this blog.
This is one of them.
I cannot tell you how many times I've had to pick up the work phone to listen to some person who I think is a potential guest turn into crazy #1234 of the year that I get to encounter.
One particular lady has been dialing our number and insisting she was a Sargent for the police (of loony land), and that the FBI raided our restaurant the night before but she had been interviewed in a dark room with a spotlight and told them that all was right with the world...with our place. She was insanely and crazily believable...if you were not the owner of a sound mind in tact.
Well, tonight...I had the PLEASURE of meeting her. While talking with my host staff outside, she decided to grace us with her presence. She looked normal....until she opened her mouth.
This is exactly how our conversation went.
Crazy lady: Did the FBI show up last night? I'm Sargent Whocares and you probably know who I am...I'm very important...I know all the right people.
Me (brain clicking...thinking NO WAY it's Crazy FBI lady in the flesh): I didn't work last night.
Crazy lady: They told me I could get my free meal.
Me: Oh, well that was yesterday.
Crazy lady: Yesterday? You sure? Didn't they tell you about me?
Me: Maybe you missed the memo?
Crazy lady: But you know about the FBI right? They still inside?
Me: Nope. They left, top secret stuff, I guess.
Crazy lady sighs, nods her head at me like she knows what kind of top secret mission is going on without her and takes off with another crazy person who also looks really normal.
It's fun pretending to be crazy with real crazy people.
When I mean fun, I don't mean MEAN fun...just playing along with the fantasy that they believe.
No harm, no foul.
Just another night at the Ramblers place of work.
Typed Feverishly by The Rambler 39 ramblings of your own
Monday, November 16, 2009
Love Life....
I will love life in the following ways this week...
2. I will sit on my couch and watch an entire show without being interrupted in the DAYTIME.
3. I will take a shower for a really long time and maybe shampoo my hair twice? Maybe three times...who knows...but it can be as many times as I want.
4. My long lost flatiron that turns my hair from crazy curly to sleeky straight will find my hands its company as we make magic.....to my hair. Just in case, cause that almost didn't sound right.
5. I will take a nap! When I feel like it. Or until I have to get ready for work. Whichever comes first.
6. Sigh. I will...love life.
How will you LOVE LIFE this week bloggy pals?
Do tell.
Alright, alright....so did I? Or didn't I freak out like a crazy emotional wreck of a train on my kid's first day of preschool?
So yeah, here's the deal....I was a tad roller coaster-y of feelings when we pulled into the school parking lot.
And maybe I stopped talking in the middle of my sentence to the teacher when I thought my tear ducts where going to spew forward completely ridiculous tears in front of 9 other children who were excited to welcome my daughter into their new gang of little people.
And maybe I just smiled and waved and walked out quickly to the car....with my shades on.
And maybe I sniffled at Starbucks right next door to the school (BONUS).
But...I let em wail once I hit the open road for a good 10 minutes. Like a complete lunatic.
I'm not sure what other drivers on the freeway were thinking as they passed/sped along.
I really couldn't see through the tears.

Typed Feverishly by The Rambler 22 ramblings of your own
Monday, November 09, 2009
I....Will keep my Sh*t together....I will
When I open my eyes Thursday morning and wake a grumpy little girl earlier than she's used to, dress her, put cute little piggy tails in her hair...I...Will keep my sh*t together...I will.
When I cut the crusts off her tiny little turkey sandwich, sneak a Smore's Granola bar, veggies, and a Juice Box....I...Will keep my sh*t together...I will.
When I start the car, pull out...stop the car, strap the kid IN her seat...I will keep my sh*t together...I will.
When we walk through her PRESCHOOL doors for the first time (actually second if you count the tour), with her hand in mine, and make our way to her classroom...I will keep my sh*t together...I will.
When I kiss her goodbye, and get cut off in my plea for love and adoration that I am the most wonderful mom ever when she excitedly sees her Teachers Aunty Awesome & Aunty Amazing...I will keep my sh*t together...I will.
When I walk back into the hallway and see the other parents...I will smile...do the parent nod...and pretend...my lip may quiver...BUT I will keep my sh*t together...I will.
When the owner sees me at the entrance doors and says everything will be ok....I will keep my sh*t together...I will.
I may for a moment actually think I will stay in the parking lot until she is done 8 hours later...I will keep my sh*t together...I will.
When sanity takes over, I will drive home, wave to the neighbors, walk proudly up the stairs without her tagging along, I will unlock the door, plop on the couch, look around to the quiet and empty house...
....Wait, did I just write QUIET & EMPTY?
:Cricket Noise & Tumbleweeds:
My baby is in preschool...and her mommy has the whole house to herself!

Typed Feverishly by The Rambler 36 ramblings of your own
Monday, November 02, 2009
17856837489 reasons to Ramble....from the Rambler
Oh dear God, I just downloaded Miley Cyrus's Party in the USA...What is wrong with me?
Alright...First of all, I liked the song first for it's oh so head nodding/hip moving way. And then I looked up the song and said...For shame Rambler!
Miley Effing Cyrus. (Sorry, she's normally not my cup of tea)
Miley Cyrus - Party in the USA
MySpace Today | MySpace Video
Shoulder Shrug. Oh Well.
Moving my head like Yeah...moving my hips like Yeah....
You know those stories you hear of fathers trying to fix their daughters hairs?
So...my husband thought he would 'trim' our three year olds bangs. When I say trim...he thinks...I'd like to say he somehow fused a bit of Dumb #1 and Dumber #2 's hair cause all that came to mind while staring at Lil Rambler's bangs and listening to her father go on and on about it happened to fast and before he knew it...(*sigh*...Daddy's...this one is for the books)
God Bless them both for trying.
"Perk" of being the boss lady for my restaurant.
A drunk young couple come hooting and hollering into my outside cafe demanding to be served more booze and the waitstaff cuts them off...said crazy drunk guests don't want to leave but try to convince the management staff they they are 'perfectly (hiccup) FIIIIINNNNEEE (hiccup)'
Enter boss lady Rambler. The professional that I am says the following:
"Yeah...Sorry, but were gonna have to ask you to leave."
"Um, NO...if another table buys your drinks...YOU still can't drink HERE. What part of that is hard to understand?"
"Yeah... you flipping me off in my face is not helping YOU get alcoholic beverages from ME."
"YOU don't like this place? I just told you to leave? Problem solved. Have a good night!"
"Say F**k me to my face one more time and I'm about to take my earrings off and really show you what you can cry about. You will beg and scream for your mama! "
I'm kidding...I CAN'T say that.... (sigh...in a manager's dreams)
Yes...they really said F**k me to my face about 30 times. And no, this would not be the first time this was every uttered to me by a customer.
My new favorite TV addiction is this show.
Modern Family. I snort and laugh out loud in the dark sneaking it in when I come home after midnight. It is just too damn funny.
My favorite is the Big Gay Guy Cam and Phil the "cool dad".
I snorted again just watching this preview to find for you guys.
The Universe's way of laughing at my expense was this....
While pushing my cart toward Target...I realized I was close to the pissed off Target worker kid having to bring a zillion of the carts back to the main area (been there dude, you got it better...seriously)
...all of a sudden he was in front of me and I somehow became locked in the middle of the Target Road while I stood there thinking I must have not eaten all my Wheaties.
wondering and lifting the cart,
trying to push it on two wheels,
trying to push it sideways,
trying to push it backwards,
trying to push it while Lil Rambler looked at me with a look of concern that only a 3 year old could give,
sweating as I felt like I chose the time to shop with half the island and endured for 45 whole seconds their looks of how a normal human being couldn't push a shopping cart.
Until...I heard this.
"Maam...(shudder...I hate that word when directed at me)...It's locked...hold on...I have to Deactivate it..."
And that folks is all she wrote...for now!
Typed Feverishly by The Rambler 44 ramblings of your own