What a year.!
I can't believe it's the last day of '08.
Of course I decided to let my last post of this interesting year be my becoming normal Random Wednesday.
Me and my mommy friend took our daughters to the zoo today. They were insane! But the most interestingly strangest thing was seeing all the turtles "doing" it AND making grunting noises. I guess why wouldn't they make noises. Right? And then I thought one guy was gonna flip backwards cause he was getting a little crazy...turtle style. Seriously their were 7 turtles (I think Galapagos LARGE turtles), and 6 of them were getting it on. I felt kinda bad for the loner guys. It's like he was the third wheel turtle.
Hey, at least his friends are going out with a bang.....Ba-dum-bump-bump :)
I followed a man up an escalator the other day and he had shorts on that had cigars all over it. The funny thing was a bunch of the cigars seemed to be pointing (and burning) toward his butt holeio...The thought made a snicker come out and I of course told myself to not forget to blog about this one on RW.
My manager friend and I went to a hotel bar in Waikiki for one drink to "market research" for our bar menu.....it was so nice to sit there and stare at the ocean and enjoy a good "market research" cocktail. They made pineapple juice ice cubes so my white wine sangria drink turned from clear to a yellowish color during the course of the "market research".
Sigh....you gotta love "market research".
It's been pretty cool having President Elect Obama here in Hawaii.
And for me a proud feeling knowing he comes from the Islands!
My stepsisters mother had to do police duty for his home on Christmas day.
And I will end this with a bit of reflection on the year we call 2008. A lot of great things have happened for me.
- In April I visited with my FLS and met my new niece Vai and for the first time in a really really long time I connected with my sister. A wall I had built up preventing the forward movement of our relationship came down. She's an amazing, spiritual, beautiful woman that I am so proud to call my sis!
- I restarted this blog after many attempts and finally this time it took. I'm thankful for the many new bloggy pals that have come into my world and have allowed me into theirs!
- A new President was elected!!!
- My husband and I have also finally learned to be best friends again. We've veered off the path a bit being new parents and I'm thankful. We also just got the news that he did get his promotion at work. In this day with the economy the way it is, I am beyond thankful. Our goal to one day owning a home of our own gets closer and closer.
- And finally I feel I am in a better place as a mother. This time last year I felt confused and convinced I was doing a horrible job. Too much of that or is it too little of this. But I guess this and that is part of the deal. Getting used to the new mother skin and allowing yourself to be OK with this role.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Or as we say here in Hawaii....Hauoli Makahiki Hou....(BFF & Krissy are snickering now...cause I'm the whitest Hawaiian they know:)