One of my employees got hit by a car this week while biking to school.
The lady that hit him said these first words, after he flew 5 feet from his bike after she failed to stop at the sidewalk that entered into the main street.
"I ride a bike, and I would have stopped at every driveway"
"Are you OK?"
"Do you need an ambulance"
She preceded to lecture him on being careful.
A witness stepped in and told the lady to shut it and called the police and an ambulance.
While the EMT's checked him out, and the police got witness statements on what they saw, the lady kept sighing how she she was gonna be late to work and how much longer did she need to be there??
*** He's OK and back to work after a couple days off. Bruised ribs and a slightly bum knee.
There's a cute new cartoon on Noggin called Toots & Puddles...pigs that travel the world.
I don't know why I thought this but I did when they chose Hawaii.
They wouldn't have come to Hawaii if they knew pig was the main course at EVERY luau ever.
I met the CUTEST old couple the other night. They came to eat in my restaurant and they were the absolute hand's down most awesomiest happiest people. They were in their early 70's, on vacation together and loved, loved each other and just loved that they were together. It was infectious. They kept saying thank you, and how lovely everything was. I wonder what their life was like.
I hate you Starbucks.
Why must you increase my waistline by adding these lovelies.

Random Wednesday is a little miffed with me right now because we changed over to Fridays. FOR NOW. I explained that American Idol was just a temporary thing. It would go away as quickly as it came. She's pissed. I think she'll do a Hello, I'm pissed off post on me at Mama Locos next week. I'm worried.
Have a great weekend!