Rambler peeps, meet my sister.
Sister, meet my Rambler peeps.
You gotta love a sister that steps in when you've had a crap week.
Hello Everyone! (me waving...to you!)
My name is Kalei....I mean "Antibloggedy", don't tell anyone my real name. (link to me here-cheesy plug for myself).
One of the things about me is I am a Rambling type (geez, think it runs in the family?). Only my ramblings usually occur in my head...."the inner monologue".
Here's how that goes:
My Sister, Rambler: "hey, wanna do a guest post for me?"
Me:"sure"..... I was really excited. (cheesy smile)
That was yesterday.
Today, via text: "did you finish that guest post?"
Me: "working on it now"
Actually, I was not working on it, I hadn't even thought about it since saying "sure".....(don't tell her). So really when I got the text my inner monologue sounded something like this:
"Oh Shiznet! I gotta write something.....!" " yikes! She wants me to be funny!"
........Are you laughing yet? didn't think so. OOOOh all right, I will tell you a dirty joke.
Actually its the joke I told Rambler when I was walking her down the aisle on her wedding day. The purpose was to keep her from crying.
Let me set the scene:
Beautiful Hawaiian Afternoon, Rambler in her Pretty White gown. The family on white chairs in the open landscape surrounded by Mountains & Ocean Breezes: Here is a picture:

Nice right?!
That's our grandparents on the seats, and my Mom, her siblings, and of course the Bride and Groom.
It rained the whole couple days before then, that morning, it cleared up! It was just beautiful!....I know I know I am getting to the joke. Just hang in there. =). I have to tell you a little about me too.

I am one of the appropriate people in the whole wide world.....

(not really)
(smile, quit laughing, this isn't the joke, it really hurt!)...yes, that's me.
.....Actually, I do not swear.....
welllll, Hardly ever! I keep the mouth clean. Its not lady like. I just wanted to get that straight.
So anyways:
We were walking down the aisle, My mother on her Right and me on the Left (or was it the other way around?....
hmmm, Rambler can clear that up later).....We walked out toward the supporters, and tears started to flow....very emotional giving your only favorite big sis away:
Me to Rambler: I thought of the joke....
Rambler: What?
Me: Well I asked around and it took me weeks.....
Rambler: What joke?
Me: the one to keep you from crying when we approach "Mr. Rambler"
Rambler: What is it? (she was not really focused....she had her eye on the prize.)
Me: Well I want mom to hear it too.
Rambler: Mom, can you hear her?
Mom: Girls, lets focus (maybe I added this, but she would totally say something like this.)
Me: What "Has Relations" (insert F word here) like a tiger and winks.....
Mom and Rambler in unison: WHAT!?
Me: "Wink"
.....And that is how I saved her Wedding. =)
Antibloggedy (smile) Waving goodbye.
It's been fun! Have a great weekend!
Yes, totally. Like when you see someone and you, in your most chipper voice, ask "How are you?!" And then they start to tell you and you're like Oh, crap, I really don't care. But I would never say it, I just listen and wait, and nod in all the right places, while my stomach churns and I think about everything else I SHOULD be doing right then. Yeah, I do that.